- the value typepublic abstract class Maybe<T> extends Object implements MaybeSource<T>
class represents a deferred computation and emission of a single value, no value at all or an exception.
The Maybe
class implements the MaybeSource
base interface and the default consumer
type it interacts with is the MaybeObserver
via the subscribe(MaybeObserver)
The Maybe
operates with the following sequential protocol:
onSubscribe (onSuccess | onError | onComplete)?
Note that onSuccess
, onError
and onComplete
are mutually exclusive events; unlike Observable
is never followed by onError
or onComplete
Like Observable
, a running Maybe
can be stopped through the Disposable
provided to consumers through MaybeObserver.onSubscribe(io.reactivex.rxjava3.disposables.Disposable)
Like an Observable
, a Maybe
is lazy, can be either "hot" or "cold", synchronous or
asynchronous. Maybe
instances returned by the methods of this class are cold
and there is a standard hot implementation in the form of a subject:
The documentation for this class makes use of marble diagrams. The following legend explains these diagrams:
See Flowable
or Observable
for the
implementation of the Reactive Pattern for a stream or vector of values.
Disposable d = Maybe.just("Hello World")
.delay(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io())
.subscribeWith(new DisposableMaybeObserver<String>() {
public void onStart() {
public void onSuccess(String value) {
System.out.println("Success: " + value);
public void onError(Throwable error) {
public void onComplete() {
Note that by design, subscriptions via subscribe(MaybeObserver)
can't be disposed
from the outside (hence the
return of the subscribe(MaybeObserver)
method) and it is the
responsibility of the implementor of the MaybeObserver
to allow this to happen.
RxJava supports such usage with the standard
For convenience, the subscribeWith(MaybeObserver)
method is provided as well to
allow working with a MaybeObserver
(or subclass) instance to be applied with in
a fluent manner (such as in the example above).
Constructor and Description |
Maybe() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
amb(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Runs multiple
MaybeSource s provided by an Iterable sequence and
signals the events of the first one that signals (disposing the rest). |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
ambArray(MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
Runs multiple
MaybeSource s and signals the events of the first one that signals (disposing
the rest). |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
ambWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> other)
Mirrors the
MaybeSource (current or provided) that first signals an event. |
T |
Waits in a blocking fashion until the current
Maybe signals a success value (which is returned),
null if completed or an exception (which is propagated). |
T |
blockingGet(T defaultValue)
Waits in a blocking fashion until the current
Maybe signals a success value (which is returned),
defaultValue if completed or an exception (which is propagated). |
void |
Subscribes to the current
Maybe and blocks the current thread until it terminates. |
void |
blockingSubscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
Subscribes to the current
Maybe and calls given onSuccess callback on the current thread
when it completes normally. |
void |
blockingSubscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess,
@NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
Subscribes to the current
Maybe and calls the appropriate callback on the current thread
when it terminates. |
void |
blockingSubscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess,
@NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError,
@NonNull Action onComplete)
Subscribes to the current
Maybe and calls the appropriate callback on the current thread
when it terminates. |
void |
blockingSubscribe(@NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer)
Subscribes to the current
Maybe and calls the appropriate MaybeObserver method on the current thread. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
Returns a
Maybe that subscribes to this Maybe lazily, caches its event
and replays it, to all the downstream subscribers. |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<U> |
cast(@NonNull Class<? extends U> clazz)
Casts the success value of the current
Maybe into the target type or signals a
ClassCastException if not compatible. |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
compose(@NonNull MaybeTransformer<? super T,? extends R> transformer)
Transform a
Maybe by applying a particular MaybeTransformer function to it. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concat(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the
MaybeSource sources provided by
an Iterable sequence as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concat(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2)
Returns a
Flowable that emits the items emitted by two MaybeSource s, one after the other. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concat(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3)
Returns a
Flowable that emits the items emitted by three MaybeSource s, one after the other. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concat(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source4)
Returns a
Flowable that emits the items emitted by four MaybeSource s, one after the other. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concat(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the
MaybeSource sources provided by
a Publisher sequence as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concat(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
int prefetch)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the
MaybeSource sources provided by
a Publisher sequence as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatArray(MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the
MaybeSource sources in the array
as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatArrayDelayError(MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
Concatenates a variable number of
MaybeSource sources and delays errors from any of them
till all terminate as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatArrayEager(MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
Concatenates a sequence of
MaybeSource eagerly into a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatArrayEagerDelayError(MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
Concatenates a sequence of
MaybeSource eagerly into a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatDelayError(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenates the
Iterable sequence of MaybeSource s into a single sequence by subscribing to each MaybeSource ,
one after the other, one at a time and delays any errors till the all inner MaybeSource s terminate
as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenates the
Publisher sequence of MaybeSource s into a single sequence by subscribing to each inner MaybeSource ,
one after the other, one at a time and delays any errors till the all inner and the outer Publisher terminate
as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
int prefetch)
Concatenates the
Publisher sequence of MaybeSource s into a single sequence by subscribing to each inner MaybeSource ,
one after the other, one at a time and delays any errors till the all inner and the outer Publisher terminate
as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatEager(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenates a sequence of
MaybeSource s eagerly into a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatEager(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
int maxConcurrency)
Concatenates a sequence of
MaybeSource s eagerly into a Flowable sequence and
runs a limited number of the inner sequences at once. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatEager(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatEager(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
int maxConcurrency)
Concatenates a
Publisher sequence of MaybeSource s eagerly into a Flowable sequence,
running at most the given number of inner MaybeSource s at once. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatEagerDelayError(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenates a sequence of
MaybeSource s eagerly into a Flowable sequence,
delaying errors until all inner MaybeSource s terminate. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatEagerDelayError(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
int maxConcurrency)
Concatenates a sequence of
MaybeSource s eagerly into a Flowable sequence,
delaying errors until all inner MaybeSource s terminate and
runs a limited number of inner MaybeSource s at once. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatEagerDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenates a
Publisher sequence of MaybeSource s eagerly into a Flowable sequence,
delaying errors until all the inner and the outer sequence terminate. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatEagerDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
int maxConcurrency)
Concatenates a
Publisher sequence of MaybeSource s eagerly into a Flowable sequence,
delaying errors until all the inner and the outer sequence terminate and
runs a limited number of the inner MaybeSource s at once. |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
concatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns a
Maybe that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the current Maybe ,
where that function returns a MaybeSource . |
@NonNull Completable |
concatMapCompletable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends CompletableSource> mapper)
Returns a
Completable that completes based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe , where that function returns a Completable . |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
concatMapSingle(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends SingleSource<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns a
Maybe based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe , where that function returns a Single . |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
concatWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> other)
Returns a
Flowable that emits the items emitted from the current Maybe , then the other MaybeSource , one after
the other, without interleaving them. |
@NonNull Single<Boolean> |
contains(@NonNull Object item)
@NonNull Single<Long> |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
create(@NonNull MaybeOnSubscribe<T> onSubscribe)
Provides an API (via a cold
Maybe ) that bridges the reactive world with the callback-style world. |
@NonNull Single<T> |
defaultIfEmpty(T defaultItem)
Returns a
Single that emits the item emitted by the current Maybe or a specified default item
if the current Maybe is empty. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
defer(@NonNull Supplier<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> supplier)
Calls a
Supplier for each individual MaybeObserver to return the actual MaybeSource source to
be subscribed to. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
delay(long time,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
Returns a
Maybe that signals the events emitted by the current Maybe shifted forward in time by a
specified delay. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
delay(long time,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
boolean delayError)
Returns a
Maybe that signals the events emitted by the current Maybe shifted forward in time by a
specified delay. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
delay(long time,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a
Maybe that signals the events emitted by the current Maybe shifted forward in time by a
specified delay. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
delay(long time,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull Scheduler scheduler,
boolean delayError)
Returns a
Maybe that signals the events emitted by the current Maybe shifted forward in time by a
specified delay running on the specified Scheduler . |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
delay(@NonNull Publisher<U> delayIndicator)
Delays the emission of this
Maybe until the given Publisher signals an item or completes. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
delaySubscription(long time,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
Returns a
Maybe that delays the subscription to the current Maybe by a given amount of time. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
delaySubscription(long time,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a
Maybe that delays the subscription to the current Maybe by a given amount of time,
both waiting and subscribing on a given Scheduler . |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
delaySubscription(@NonNull Publisher<U> subscriptionIndicator)
Returns a
Maybe that delays the subscription to this Maybe
until the other Publisher emits an element or completes normally. |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
dematerialize(@NonNull Function<? super T,Notification<R>> selector)
Maps the
Notification success value of the current Maybe back into normal
onSuccess , onError or onComplete signals. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doAfterSuccess(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onAfterSuccess)
Calls the specified
Consumer with the success item after this item has been emitted to the downstream. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doAfterTerminate(@NonNull Action onAfterTerminate)
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doFinally(@NonNull Action onFinally)
Calls the specified action after this
Maybe signals onSuccess , onError or onComplete or gets disposed by
the downstream. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doOnComplete(@NonNull Action onComplete)
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doOnDispose(@NonNull Action onDispose)
Calls the shared
Action if a MaybeObserver subscribed to the current Maybe
disposes the common Disposable it received via onSubscribe . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doOnError(@NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
Calls the shared
Consumer with the error sent via onError for each
MaybeObserver that subscribes to the current Maybe . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doOnEvent(@NonNull BiConsumer<? super T,? super Throwable> onEvent)
Calls the given
onEvent callback with the (success value, null ) for an onSuccess , (null , throwable) for
an onError or (null , null ) for an onComplete signal from this Maybe before delivering said
signal to the downstream. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doOnLifecycle(@NonNull Consumer<? super Disposable> onSubscribe,
@NonNull Action onDispose)
Calls the appropriate
onXXX method (shared between all MaybeObserver s) for the lifecycle events of
the sequence (subscription, disposal). |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doOnSubscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super Disposable> onSubscribe)
Calls the shared
Consumer with the Disposable sent through the onSubscribe for each
MaybeObserver that subscribes to the current Maybe . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doOnSuccess(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
Calls the shared
Consumer with the success value sent via onSuccess for each
MaybeObserver that subscribes to the current Maybe . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
doOnTerminate(@NonNull Action onTerminate)
Returns a
Maybe instance that calls the given onTerminate callback
just before this Maybe completes normally or with an exception. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
Returns a (singleton)
Maybe instance that calls onComplete
immediately. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
error(@NonNull Supplier<? extends Throwable> supplier)
Returns a
Maybe that invokes a MaybeObserver 's onError method when the
MaybeObserver subscribes to it. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
error(@NonNull Throwable throwable)
Returns a
Maybe that invokes a subscriber's onError method when the
subscriber subscribes to it. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
filter(@NonNull Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Filters the success item of the
Maybe via a predicate function and emitting it if the predicate
returns true , completing otherwise. |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
flatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns a
Maybe that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the current Maybe ,
where that function returns a MaybeSource . |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
flatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> onSuccessMapper,
@NonNull Function<? super Throwable,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> onErrorMapper,
@NonNull Supplier<? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> onCompleteSupplier)
Maps the
onSuccess , onError or onComplete signals of the current Maybe into a MaybeSource and emits that
MaybeSource 's signals. |
<U,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
flatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends U>> mapper,
@NonNull BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> combiner)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified function to the pair of values emitted by the
current Maybe and a specified mapped MaybeSource . |
@NonNull Completable |
flatMapCompletable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends CompletableSource> mapper)
Returns a
Completable that completes based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe , where that function returns a Completable . |
<R> @NonNull Observable<R> |
flatMapObservable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends ObservableSource<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns an
Observable that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the current Maybe ,
where that function returns an ObservableSource . |
<R> @NonNull Flowable<R> |
flatMapPublisher(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper)
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
flatMapSingle(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends SingleSource<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns a
Maybe based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe , where that function returns a Single . |
<U> @NonNull Flowable<U> |
flattenAsFlowable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends U>> mapper)
<U> @NonNull Observable<U> |
flattenAsObservable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends U>> mapper)
Maps the success value of the current
Maybe into an Iterable and emits its items as an
Observable sequence. |
<R> @NonNull Flowable<R> |
flattenStreamAsFlowable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper)
<R> @NonNull Observable<R> |
flattenStreamAsObservable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper)
Maps the upstream succecss value into a Java
Stream and emits its
items to the downstream consumer as an Observable . |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromAction(@NonNull Action action)
Returns a
Maybe instance that runs the given Action for each MaybeObserver and
emits either its exception or simply completes. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromCallable(@NonNull Callable<? extends T> callable)
Returns a
Maybe that invokes the given Callable for each individual MaybeObserver that
subscribes and emits the resulting non-null item via onSuccess while
considering a null result from the Callable as indication for valueless completion
via onComplete . |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromCompletable(@NonNull CompletableSource completableSource)
Wraps a
CompletableSource into a Maybe . |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromCompletionStage(@NonNull CompletionStage<T> stage)
Signals the completion value or error of the given (hot)
CompletionStage -based asynchronous calculation. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromFuture(@NonNull Future<? extends T> future)
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromFuture(@NonNull Future<? extends T> future,
long timeout,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromObservable(@NonNull ObservableSource<T> source)
Wraps an
ObservableSource into a Maybe and emits the very first item
or completes if the source is empty. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromOptional(@NonNull Optional<T> optional)
Converts the existing value of the provided optional into a
or an empty optional into an empty() Maybe instance. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromPublisher(@NonNull Publisher<T> source)
Wraps a
Publisher into a Maybe and emits the very first item
or completes if the source is empty. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromRunnable(@NonNull Runnable run)
Returns a
Maybe instance that runs the given Runnable for each MaybeObserver and
emits either its unchecked exception or simply completes. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromSingle(@NonNull SingleSource<T> single)
Wraps a
SingleSource into a Maybe . |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
fromSupplier(@NonNull Supplier<? extends T> supplier)
Returns a
Maybe that invokes the given Supplier for each individual MaybeObserver that
subscribes and emits the resulting non-null item via onSuccess while
considering a null result from the Supplier as indication for valueless completion
via onComplete . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
Hides the identity of this
Maybe and its Disposable . |
@NonNull Completable |
Returns a
Completable that ignores the item emitted by the current Maybe and only calls onComplete or onError . |
@NonNull Single<Boolean> |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
just(T item)
Returns a
Maybe that emits a specified item. |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
lift(@NonNull MaybeOperator<? extends R,? super T> lift)
This method requires advanced knowledge about building operators, please consider
other standard composition methods first;
Returns a
Maybe which, when subscribed to, invokes the apply(MaybeObserver) method
of the provided MaybeOperator for each individual downstream Maybe and allows the
insertion of a custom operator by accessing the downstream's MaybeObserver during this subscription phase
and providing a new MaybeObserver , containing the custom operator's intended business logic, that will be
used in the subscription process going further upstream. |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
map(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper)
Returns a
Maybe that applies a specified function to the item emitted by the current Maybe and
emits the result of this function application. |
<R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
mapOptional(@NonNull Function<? super T,Optional<? extends R>> mapper)
Maps the upstream success value into an
Optional and emits the contained item if not empty. |
@NonNull Single<Notification<T>> |
Maps the signal types of this
Maybe into a Notification of the same kind
and emits it as a Single 's onSuccess value to downstream. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
merge(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Merges an
Iterable sequence of MaybeSource instances into a single Flowable sequence,
running all MaybeSource s at once. |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
merge(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> source)
Flattens a
MaybeSource that emits a MaybeSource into a single MaybeSource that emits the item
emitted by the nested MaybeSource , without any transformation. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
merge(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2)
Flattens two
MaybeSource s into a single Flowable , without any transformation. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
merge(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3)
Flattens three
MaybeSource s into a single Flowable , without any transformation. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
merge(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source4)
Flattens four
MaybeSource s into a single Flowable , without any transformation. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
merge(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Merges a
Publisher sequence of MaybeSource instances into a single Flowable sequence,
running all MaybeSource s at once. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
merge(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
int maxConcurrency)
Merges a
Publisher sequence of MaybeSource instances into a single Flowable sequence,
running at most maxConcurrency MaybeSource s at once. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeArray(MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
Merges an array of
MaybeSource instances into a single Flowable sequence,
running all MaybeSource s at once. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeArrayDelayError(MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
Flattens an array of
MaybeSource s into one Flowable , in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from each of the source MaybeSource s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeDelayError(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Flattens an
Iterable sequence of MaybeSource s into one Flowable , in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from each of the source MaybeSource s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2)
Flattens two
MaybeSource s into one Flowable , in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from each of the source MaybeSource s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3)
Flattens three
MaybeSource into one Flowable , in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from all of the source MaybeSource s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source4)
Flattens four
MaybeSource s into one Flowable , in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from all of the source MaybeSource s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Flattens a
Publisher that emits MaybeSource s into one Flowable , in a way that allows a subscriber to
receive all successfully emitted items from all of the source MaybeSource s without being interrupted by
an error notification from one of them or even the main Publisher . |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
int maxConcurrency)
Flattens a
Publisher that emits MaybeSource s into one Flowable , in a way that allows a subscriber to
receive all successfully emitted items from all of the source MaybeSource s without being interrupted by
an error notification from one of them or even the main Publisher as well as limiting the total number of active MaybeSource s. |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
mergeWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> other)
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
Returns a
Maybe that never sends any items or notifications to a MaybeObserver . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
observeOn(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
Wraps a
Maybe to emit its item (or notify of its error) on a specified Scheduler ,
asynchronously. |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<U> |
ofType(@NonNull Class<U> clazz)
Filters the items emitted by the current
Maybe , only emitting its success value if that
is an instance of the supplied Class . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
Returns a
Maybe instance that if this Maybe emits an error, it will emit an onComplete
and swallow the throwable. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
onErrorComplete(@NonNull Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)
Returns a
Maybe instance that if this Maybe emits an error and the predicate returns
true , it will emit an onComplete and swallow the throwable. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
onErrorResumeNext(@NonNull Function<? super Throwable,? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> fallbackSupplier)
Resumes the flow with a
MaybeSource returned for the failure Throwable of the current Maybe by a
function instead of signaling the error via onError . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
onErrorResumeWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
Resumes the flow with the given
MaybeSource when the current Maybe fails instead of
signaling the error via onError . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
onErrorReturn(@NonNull Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> itemSupplier)
Ends the flow with a success item returned by a function for the
Throwable error signaled by the current
Maybe instead of signaling the error via onError . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
onErrorReturnItem(T item)
Ends the flow with the given success item when the current
Maybe fails instead of signaling the error via onError . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
Nulls out references to the upstream producer and downstream
MaybeObserver if
the sequence is terminated or downstream calls dispose() . |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
Returns a
Flowable that repeats the sequence of items emitted by the current Maybe indefinitely. |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
repeat(long times)
Returns a
Flowable that repeats the sequence of items emitted by the current Maybe at most
count times. |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
repeatUntil(@NonNull BooleanSupplier stop)
Returns a
Flowable that repeats the sequence of items emitted by the current Maybe until
the provided stop function returns true . |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
repeatWhen(@NonNull Function<? super Flowable<Object>,? extends Publisher<?>> handler)
Returns a
Flowable that emits the same values as the current Maybe with the exception of an
onComplete . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
Returns a
Maybe that mirrors the current Maybe , resubscribing to it if it calls onError
(infinite retry count). |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
retry(@NonNull BiPredicate<? super Integer,? super Throwable> predicate)
Returns a
Maybe that mirrors the current Maybe , resubscribing to it if it calls onError
and the predicate returns true for that specific exception and retry count. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
retry(long times)
Returns a
Maybe that mirrors the current Maybe , resubscribing to it if it calls onError
up to a specified number of retries. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
retry(long times,
@NonNull Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)
Retries at most
times or until the predicate returns false , whichever happens first. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
retry(@NonNull Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)
Retries the current
Maybe if it fails and the predicate returns true . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
retryUntil(@NonNull BooleanSupplier stop)
Retries until the given stop function returns
true . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
retryWhen(@NonNull Function<? super Flowable<Throwable>,? extends Publisher<?>> handler)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the same values as the current Maybe with the exception of an
onError . |
void |
safeSubscribe(@NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer)
Wraps the given
MaybeObserver , catches any RuntimeException s thrown by its
MaybeObserver.onSubscribe(Disposable) , MaybeObserver.onSuccess(Object) ,
MaybeObserver.onError(Throwable) or MaybeObserver.onComplete() methods
and routes those to the global error handler via RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable) . |
static <T> @NonNull Single<Boolean> |
sequenceEqual(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2)
Returns a
Single that emits a Boolean value that indicates whether two MaybeSource sequences are the
same by comparing the items emitted by each MaybeSource pairwise. |
static <T> @NonNull Single<Boolean> |
sequenceEqual(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2,
@NonNull BiPredicate<? super T,? super T> isEqual)
Returns a
Single that emits a Boolean value that indicates whether two MaybeSource s are the
same by comparing the items emitted by each MaybeSource pairwise based on the results of a specified
equality function. |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
startWith(@NonNull CompletableSource other)
Returns a
Flowable which first runs the other CompletableSource
then the current Maybe if the other completed normally. |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
startWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<T> other)
Returns a
Flowable which first runs the other MaybeSource
then the current Maybe if the other succeeded or completed normally. |
@NonNull Observable<T> |
startWith(@NonNull ObservableSource<T> other)
Returns an
Observable which first delivers the events
of the other ObservableSource then runs the current Maybe . |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
startWith(@NonNull Publisher<T> other)
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
startWith(@NonNull SingleSource<T> other)
Returns a
Flowable which first runs the other SingleSource
then the current Maybe if the other succeeded normally. |
@NonNull Disposable |
Subscribes to a
Maybe and ignores onSuccess and onComplete emissions. |
@NonNull Disposable |
subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
Subscribes to a
Maybe and provides a callback to handle the items it emits. |
@NonNull Disposable |
subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess,
@NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
Subscribes to a
Maybe and provides callbacks to handle the items it emits and any error
notification it issues. |
@NonNull Disposable |
subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess,
@NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError,
@NonNull Action onComplete)
Subscribes to a
Maybe and provides callbacks to handle the items it emits and any error or
completion notification it issues. |
@NonNull Disposable |
subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess,
@NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError,
@NonNull Action onComplete,
@NonNull DisposableContainer container)
Wraps the given onXXX callbacks into a
Disposable MaybeObserver ,
adds it to the given DisposableContainer and ensures, that if the upstream
terminates or this particular Disposable is disposed, the MaybeObserver is removed
from the given composite. |
void |
subscribe(@NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer)
Subscribes the given
MaybeObserver to this MaybeSource instance. |
protected abstract void |
subscribeActual(@NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer)
Implement this method in subclasses to handle the incoming
MaybeObserver s. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
subscribeOn(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
Asynchronously subscribes subscribers to this
Maybe on the specified Scheduler . |
<E extends MaybeObserver<? super T>> |
subscribeWith(E observer)
Subscribes a given
MaybeObserver (subclass) to this Maybe and returns the given
MaybeObserver as is. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
switchIfEmpty(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> other)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the items emitted by the current Maybe or the items of an alternate
MaybeSource if the current Maybe is empty. |
@NonNull Single<T> |
switchIfEmpty(@NonNull SingleSource<? extends T> other)
Returns a
Single that emits the items emitted by the current Maybe or the item of an alternate
SingleSource if the current Maybe is empty. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
switchOnNext(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Switches between
MaybeSource s emitted by the source Publisher whenever
a new MaybeSource is emitted, disposing the previously running MaybeSource ,
exposing the success items as a Flowable sequence. |
static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> |
switchOnNextDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
Switches between
MaybeSource s emitted by the source Publisher whenever
a new MaybeSource is emitted, disposing the previously running MaybeSource ,
exposing the success items as a Flowable sequence and delaying all errors from
all of them until all terminate. |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
takeUntil(@NonNull MaybeSource<U> other)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the items emitted by the current Maybe until a second MaybeSource
emits an item. |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
takeUntil(@NonNull Publisher<U> other)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the item emitted by the current Maybe until a second Publisher
emits an item. |
@NonNull TestObserver<T> |
Creates a
TestObserver and subscribes
it to this Maybe . |
@NonNull TestObserver<T> |
test(boolean dispose)
Creates a
TestObserver optionally in cancelled state, then subscribes it to this Maybe . |
@NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> |
Measures the time (in milliseconds) between the subscription and success item emission
of the current
Maybe and signals it as a tuple (Timed )
success value. |
@NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> |
timeInterval(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
Measures the time (in milliseconds) between the subscription and success item emission
of the current
Maybe and signals it as a tuple (Timed )
success value. |
@NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> |
timeInterval(@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
Measures the time between the subscription and success item emission
of the current
Maybe and signals it as a tuple (Timed )
success value. |
@NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> |
timeInterval(@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
Measures the time between the subscription and success item emission
of the current
Maybe and signals it as a tuple (Timed )
success value. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
timeout(long timeout,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
Returns a
Maybe that mirrors the current Maybe but applies a timeout policy for each emitted
item. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
timeout(long timeout,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
Returns a
Maybe that mirrors the current Maybe but applies a timeout policy for each emitted
item. |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
timeout(long timeout,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a
Maybe that mirrors the current Maybe but applies a timeout policy for each emitted
item, where this policy is governed on a specified Scheduler . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
timeout(long timeout,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull Scheduler scheduler,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
Returns a
Maybe that mirrors the current Maybe but applies a timeout policy for each emitted
item using a specified Scheduler . |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
timeout(@NonNull MaybeSource<U> timeoutIndicator)
If the current
Maybe didn't signal an event before the timeoutIndicator MaybeSource signals, a
TimeoutException is signaled instead. |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
timeout(@NonNull MaybeSource<U> timeoutIndicator,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
If the current
Maybe didn't signal an event before the timeoutIndicator MaybeSource signals,
the current Maybe is disposed and the fallback MaybeSource subscribed to
as a continuation. |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
timeout(@NonNull Publisher<U> timeoutIndicator)
If the current
Maybe source didn't signal an event before the timeoutIndicator Publisher signals, a
TimeoutException is signaled instead. |
<U> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
timeout(@NonNull Publisher<U> timeoutIndicator,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
If the current
Maybe didn't signal an event before the timeoutIndicator Publisher signals,
the current Maybe is disposed and the fallback MaybeSource subscribed to
as a continuation. |
static @NonNull Maybe<Long> |
timer(long delay,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
Returns a
Maybe that emits 0L after a specified delay. |
static @NonNull Maybe<Long> |
timer(long delay,
@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
@NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> |
@NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> |
timestamp(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
@NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> |
timestamp(@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
@NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> |
timestamp(@NonNull TimeUnit unit,
@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
<R> R |
to(@NonNull MaybeConverter<T,? extends R> converter)
Calls the specified converter function during assembly time and returns its resulting value.
@NonNull CompletionStage<T> |
Signals the upstream success item (or a
NoSuchElementException if the upstream is empty) via
a CompletionStage . |
@NonNull CompletionStage<T> |
toCompletionStage(T defaultItem)
Signals the upstream success item (or the default item if the upstream is empty) via
CompletionStage . |
@NonNull Flowable<T> |
Converts this
Maybe into a backpressure-aware Flowable instance composing cancellation
through. |
@NonNull Future<T> |
Returns a
Future representing the single value emitted by the current Maybe
or null if the current Maybe is empty. |
@NonNull Observable<T> |
Converts this
Maybe into an Observable instance composing disposal
through. |
@NonNull Single<T> |
Converts this
Maybe into a Single instance composing disposal
through and turning an empty Maybe into a signal of NoSuchElementException . |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
unsafeCreate(@NonNull MaybeSource<T> onSubscribe)
Advanced use only: creates a
Maybe instance without
any safeguards by using a callback that is called with a MaybeObserver . |
@NonNull Maybe<T> |
unsubscribeOn(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a
Maybe which makes sure when a MaybeObserver disposes the Disposable ,
that call is propagated up on the specified Scheduler . |
static <T,D> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
using(@NonNull Supplier<? extends D> resourceSupplier,
@NonNull Function<? super D,? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sourceSupplier,
@NonNull Consumer<? super D> resourceCleanup)
Constructs a
Maybe that creates a dependent resource object which is disposed of when the
generated MaybeSource terminates or the downstream calls dispose(). |
static <T,D> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
using(@NonNull Supplier<? extends D> resourceSupplier,
@NonNull Function<? super D,? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sourceSupplier,
@NonNull Consumer<? super D> resourceCleanup,
boolean eager)
Constructs a
Maybe that creates a dependent resource object which is disposed first ({code eager == true})
when the generated MaybeSource terminates or the downstream disposes; or after ({code eager == false}). |
static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> |
wrap(@NonNull MaybeSource<T> source)
static <T,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
zip(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources,
@NonNull Function<? super Object[],? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
items emitted, in sequence, by an Iterable of other MaybeSource s. |
static <T1,T2,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2,
@NonNull BiFunction<? super T1,? super T2,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
two items emitted, in sequence, by two other MaybeSource s. |
static <T1,T2,T3,R> |
zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3,
@NonNull Function3<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
three items emitted, in sequence, by three other MaybeSource s. |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,R> |
zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4,
@NonNull Function4<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
four items emitted, in sequence, by four other MaybeSource s. |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,R> |
zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5,
@NonNull Function5<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
five items emitted, in sequence, by five other MaybeSource s. |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,R> |
zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T6> source6,
@NonNull Function6<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
six items emitted, in sequence, by six other MaybeSource s. |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,R> |
zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T6> source6,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T7> source7,
@NonNull Function7<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
seven items emitted, in sequence, by seven other MaybeSource s. |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,R> |
zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T6> source6,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T7> source7,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T8> source8,
@NonNull Function8<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
eight items emitted, in sequence, by eight other MaybeSource s. |
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,R> |
zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T6> source6,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T7> source7,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T8> source8,
@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T9> source9,
@NonNull Function9<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
nine items emitted, in sequence, by nine other MaybeSource s. |
static <T,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
zipArray(@NonNull Function<? super Object[],? extends R> zipper,
MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
Returns a
Maybe that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
items emitted, in sequence, by an array of other MaybeSource s. |
<U,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> |
zipWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends U> other,
@NonNull BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> zipper)
Waits until this and the other
MaybeSource signal a success value then applies the given BiFunction
to those values and emits the BiFunction 's resulting value to downstream. |
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> amb(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
s provided by an Iterable
sequence and
signals the events of the first one that signals (disposing the rest).
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the Iterable
sequence of sources. A subscription to each source will
occur in the same order as in the Iterable
- if sources
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull @SafeVarargs public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> ambArray(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
s and signals the events of the first one that signals (disposing
the rest).
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the array of sources. A subscription to each source will
occur in the same order as in the array.Maybe
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concat(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sources provided by
an Iterable
sequence as a Flowable
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the Iterable
sequence of MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concat(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2)
that emits the items emitted by two MaybeSource
s, one after the other.
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedFlowable
- if source1
or source2
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concat(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3)
that emits the items emitted by three MaybeSource
s, one after the other.
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedsource3
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedFlowable
- if source1
, source2
or source3
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concat(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source4)
that emits the items emitted by four MaybeSource
s, one after the other.
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedsource3
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedsource4
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenatedFlowable
- if source1
, source2
, source3
or source4
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concat(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sources provided by
a Publisher
sequence as a Flowable
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and
expects the Publisher
to honor backpressure as well. If the sources Publisher
violates this, a MissingBackpressureException
is signaled.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the Publisher
of MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concat(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, int prefetch)
sources provided by
a Publisher
sequence as a Flowable
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and
expects the Publisher
to honor backpressure as well. If the sources Publisher
violates this, a MissingBackpressureException
is signaled.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the Publisher
of MaybeSource
- the number of MaybeSource
s to prefetch from the Publisher
- if sources
is null
- if prefetch
is non-positive@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @SafeVarargs public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatArray(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
sources in the array
as a Flowable
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concatArray
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the array of MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @SafeVarargs @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatArrayDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
sources and delays errors from any of them
till all terminate as a Flowable
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common base value typesources
- the array of sourcesFlowable
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull @SafeVarargs public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatArrayEager(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
eagerly into a Flowable
Eager concatenation means that once an observer subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
source MaybeSource
s. The operator buffers the value emitted by these MaybeSource
s and then drains them
in order, each one after the previous one completes.
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
s that need to be eagerly concatenatedFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull @SafeVarargs public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatArrayEagerDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
eagerly into a Flowable
Eager concatenation means that once an observer subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
source MaybeSource
s. The operator buffers the value emitted by these MaybeSource
s and then drains them
in order, each one after the previous one completes.
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
s that need to be eagerly concatenatedFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatDelayError(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sequence of MaybeSource
s into a single sequence by subscribing to each MaybeSource
one after the other, one at a time and delays any errors till the all inner MaybeSource
s terminate
as a Flowable
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesources
- the Iterable
sequence of MaybeSource
with the concatenating behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sequence of MaybeSource
s into a single sequence by subscribing to each inner MaybeSource
one after the other, one at a time and delays any errors till the all inner and the outer Publisher
as a Flowable
fully supports backpressure.concatDelayError
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesources
- the Publisher
sequence of MaybeSource
with the concatenating behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, int prefetch)
sequence of MaybeSource
s into a single sequence by subscribing to each inner MaybeSource
one after the other, one at a time and delays any errors till the all inner and the outer Publisher
as a Flowable
fully supports backpressure.concatDelayError
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesources
- the Publisher
sequence of MaybeSource
- The number of upstream items to prefetch so that fresh items are
ready to be mapped when a previous MaybeSource
The operator replenishes after half of the prefetch amount has been consumed
and turned into MaybeSource
with the concatenating behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
- if prefetch
is non-positive@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatEager(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
s eagerly into a Flowable
Eager concatenation means that once an observer subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
source MaybeSource
s. The operator buffers the values emitted by these MaybeSource
s and then drains them
in order, each one after the previous one completes.
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
that need to be eagerly concatenatedFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatEager(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, int maxConcurrency)
s eagerly into a Flowable
sequence and
runs a limited number of the inner sequences at once.
Eager concatenation means that once an observer subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
source MaybeSource
s. The operator buffers the values emitted by these MaybeSource
s and then drains them
in order, each one after the previous one completes.
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
that need to be eagerly concatenatedmaxConcurrency
- the maximum number of concurrently running inner MaybeSource
s; Integer.MAX_VALUE
is interpreted as all inner MaybeSource
s can be active at the same timeFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
- if maxConcurrency
is non-positive@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatEager(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sequence of MaybeSource
s eagerly into a Flowable
Eager concatenation means that once a subscriber subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
emitted source MaybeSource
s as they are observed. The operator buffers the values emitted by these
s and then drains them in order, each one after the previous one completes.
expected to support backpressure. Violating this assumption, the operator will
signal MissingBackpressureException
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
s that need to be eagerly concatenatedFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatEager(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, int maxConcurrency)
sequence of MaybeSource
s eagerly into a Flowable
running at most the given number of inner MaybeSource
s at once.
Eager concatenation means that once a subscriber subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
emitted source MaybeSource
s as they are observed. The operator buffers the values emitted by these
s and then drains them in order, each one after the previous one completes.
expected to support backpressure. Violating this assumption, the operator will
signal MissingBackpressureException
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
s that need to be eagerly concatenatedmaxConcurrency
- the maximum number of concurrently running inner MaybeSource
s; Integer.MAX_VALUE
is interpreted as all inner MaybeSource
s can be active at the same timeFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
- if maxConcurrency
is non-positive@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatEagerDelayError(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
s eagerly into a Flowable
delaying errors until all inner MaybeSource
s terminate.
Eager concatenation means that once an observer subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
source MaybeSource
s. The operator buffers the values emitted by these MaybeSource
s and then drains them
in order, each one after the previous one completes.
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
that need to be eagerly concatenatedFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatEagerDelayError(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, int maxConcurrency)
s eagerly into a Flowable
delaying errors until all inner MaybeSource
s terminate and
runs a limited number of inner MaybeSource
s at once.
Eager concatenation means that once an observer subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
source MaybeSource
s. The operator buffers the values emitted by these MaybeSource
s and then drains them
in order, each one after the previous one completes.
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
that need to be eagerly concatenatedmaxConcurrency
- the maximum number of concurrently running inner MaybeSource
s; Integer.MAX_VALUE
is interpreted as all inner MaybeSource
s can be active at the same timeFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
- if maxConcurrency
is non-positive@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatEagerDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sequence of MaybeSource
s eagerly into a Flowable
delaying errors until all the inner and the outer sequence terminate.
Eager concatenation means that once a subscriber subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
emitted source MaybeSource
s as they are observed. The operator buffers the values emitted by these
s and then drains them in order, each one after the previous one completes.
expected to support backpressure. Violating this assumption, the operator will
signal MissingBackpressureException
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
s that need to be eagerly concatenatedFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> concatEagerDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, int maxConcurrency)
sequence of MaybeSource
s eagerly into a Flowable
delaying errors until all the inner and the outer sequence terminate and
runs a limited number of the inner MaybeSource
s at once.
Eager concatenation means that once a subscriber subscribes, this operator subscribes to all of the
emitted source MaybeSource
s as they are observed. The operator buffers the values emitted by these
s and then drains them in order, each one after the previous one completes.
expected to support backpressure. Violating this assumption, the operator will
signal MissingBackpressureException
- the value typesources
- a sequence of MaybeSource
s that need to be eagerly concatenatedmaxConcurrency
- the maximum number of concurrently running inner MaybeSource
s; Integer.MAX_VALUE
is interpreted as all inner MaybeSource
s can be active at the same timeFlowable
instance with the specified concatenation behaviorNullPointerException
- if sources
is null
- if maxConcurrency
is non-positive@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> create(@NonNull MaybeOnSubscribe<T> onSubscribe)
) that bridges the reactive world with the callback-style world.
Maybe.<Event>create(emitter -> {
Callback listener = new Callback() {
public void onEvent(Event e) {
if (e.isNothing()) {
} else {
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
AutoCloseable c = api.someMethod(listener);
Whenever a MaybeObserver
subscribes to the returned Maybe
, the provided
callback is invoked with a fresh instance of a MaybeEmitter
that will interact only with that specific MaybeObserver
. If this MaybeObserver
disposes the flow (making MaybeEmitter.isDisposed()
return true
other observers subscribed to the same returned Maybe
are not affected.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typeonSubscribe
- the emitter that is called when a MaybeObserver
subscribes to the returned Maybe
- if onSubscribe
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> defer(@NonNull Supplier<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> supplier)
for each individual MaybeObserver
to return the actual MaybeSource
source to
be subscribed to.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesupplier
- the Supplier
that is called for each individual MaybeObserver
returns a MaybeSource
instance to subscribe toMaybe
- if supplier
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> empty()
instance that calls onComplete
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typeMaybe
instance@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> error(@NonNull Throwable throwable)
that invokes a subscriber's onError
method when the
subscriber subscribes to it.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of the item (ostensibly) emitted by the Maybe
- the particular Throwable
to pass to onError
- if throwable
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> error(@NonNull Supplier<? extends Throwable> supplier)
that invokes a MaybeObserver
's onError
method when the
subscribes to it.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of the items (ostensibly) emitted by the Maybe
- a Supplier
factory to return a Throwable
for each individual MaybeObserver
- if supplier
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromAction(@NonNull Action action)
instance that runs the given Action
for each MaybeObserver
emits either its exception or simply completes.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
throws an exception, the respective Throwable
delivered to the downstream via MaybeObserver.onError(Throwable)
except when the downstream has disposed the resulting Maybe
In this latter case, the Throwable
is delivered to the global error handler via
as an UndeliverableException
- the target typeaction
- the Action
to run for each MaybeObserver
- if action
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromCompletable(@NonNull CompletableSource completableSource)
into a Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the target typecompletableSource
- the CompletableSource
to convert fromMaybe
- if completableSource
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromSingle(@NonNull SingleSource<T> single)
into a Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the target typesingle
- the SingleSource
to convert fromMaybe
- if single
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromCallable(@NonNull Callable<? extends T> callable)
that invokes the given Callable
for each individual MaybeObserver
subscribes and emits the resulting non-null
item via onSuccess
considering a null
result from the Callable
as indication for valueless completion
via onComplete
This operator allows you to defer the execution of the given Callable
until a MaybeObserver
subscribes to the returned Maybe
. In other terms, this source operator evaluates the given
Note that the null
handling of this operator differs from the similar source operators in the other
base reactive classes
. Those operators signal a NullPointerException
if the value returned by their
is null
while this fromCallable
considers it to indicate the
returned Maybe
is empty.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
will be forwarded to onError
except if the MaybeObserver
disposed the subscription in the meantime. In this latter case,
the exception is forwarded to the global error handler via
wrapped into a
Fatal exceptions are rethrown and usually will end up in the executing thread's
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable)
- the type of the item emitted by the Maybe
- a Callable
instance whose execution should be deferred and performed for each individual
that subscribes to the returned Maybe
- if callable
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromFuture(@NonNull Future<? extends T> future)
into a Maybe
, treating a null
result as an indication of emptiness.
The operator calls Future.get()
, which is a blocking method, on the subscription thread.
It is recommended applying subscribeOn(Scheduler)
to move this blocking wait to a
background thread, and if the Scheduler
supports it, interrupt the wait when the flow
is disposed.
Unlike 1.x, disposing the Maybe
won't cancel the future. If necessary, one can use composition to achieve the
cancellation effect: futureMaybe.doOnDispose(() -> future.cancel(true));
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of object that the Future
returns, and also the type of item to be emitted by
the resulting Maybe
- the source Future
- if future
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromFuture(@NonNull Future<? extends T> future, long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit)
into a Maybe
, with a timeout on the Future
The operator calls Future.get(long, TimeUnit)
, which is a blocking method, on the subscription thread.
It is recommended applying subscribeOn(Scheduler)
to move this blocking wait to a
background thread, and if the Scheduler
supports it, interrupt the wait when the flow
is disposed.
Unlike 1.x, disposing the Maybe
won't cancel the future. If necessary, one can use composition to achieve the
cancellation effect: futureMaybe.doOnCancel(() -> future.cancel(true));
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of object that the Future
returns, and also the type of item to be emitted by
the resulting Maybe
- the source Future
- the maximum time to wait before calling get
- the TimeUnit
of the timeout
- if future
or unit
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromObservable(@NonNull ObservableSource<T> source)
into a Maybe
and emits the very first item
or completes if the source is empty.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the target typesource
- the ObservableSource
to convert fromMaybe
- if source
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @BackpressureSupport(value=UNBOUNDED_IN) public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromPublisher(@NonNull Publisher<T> source)
into a Maybe
and emits the very first item
or completes if the source is empty.
in an unbounded manner
(requesting Long.MAX_VALUE
) but cancels it after one item received.fromPublisher
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the target typesource
- the Publisher
to convert fromMaybe
- if source
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromRunnable(@NonNull Runnable run)
instance that runs the given Runnable
for each MaybeObserver
emits either its unchecked exception or simply completes.
If the code to be wrapped needs to throw a checked or more broader Throwable
exception, that
exception has to be converted to an unchecked exception by the wrapped code itself. Alternatively,
use the fromAction(Action)
method which allows the wrapped code to throw any Throwable
exception and will signal it to observers as-is.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
throws an exception, the respective Throwable
delivered to the downstream via MaybeObserver.onError(Throwable)
except when the downstream has disposed this Maybe
In this latter case, the Throwable
is delivered to the global error handler via
as an UndeliverableException
- the target typerun
- the Runnable
to run for each MaybeObserver
- if run
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromSupplier(@NonNull Supplier<? extends T> supplier)
that invokes the given Supplier
for each individual MaybeObserver
subscribes and emits the resulting non-null
item via onSuccess
considering a null
result from the Supplier
as indication for valueless completion
via onComplete
This operator allows you to defer the execution of the given Supplier
until a MaybeObserver
subscribes to the returned Maybe
. In other terms, this source operator evaluates the given
Note that the null
handling of this operator differs from the similar source operators in the other
base reactive classes
. Those operators signal a NullPointerException
if the value returned by their
is null
while this fromSupplier
considers it to indicate the
returned Maybe
is empty.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
will be forwarded to onError
except if the MaybeObserver
disposed the subscription in the meantime. In this latter case,
the exception is forwarded to the global error handler via
wrapped into a
Fatal exceptions are rethrown and usually will end up in the executing thread's
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable)
- the type of the item emitted by the Maybe
- a Supplier
instance whose execution should be deferred and performed for each individual
that subscribes to the returned Maybe
- if supplier
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> just(T item)
that emits a specified item.
To convert any object into a Maybe
that emits that object, pass that object into the
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of that itemitem
- the item to emitMaybe
- if item
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> merge(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sequence of MaybeSource
instances into a single Flowable
running all MaybeSource
s at once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
s signal a Throwable
via onError
, the resulting
terminates with that Throwable
and all other source MaybeSource
s are disposed.
If more than one MaybeSource
signals an error, the resulting Flowable
may terminate with the
first one's error or, depending on the concurrency of the sources, may terminate with a
containing two or more of the various error signals.
s that didn't make into the composite will be sent (individually) to the global error handler via
method as UndeliverableException
errors. Similarly, Throwable
signaled by source(s) after the returned Flowable
has been cancelled or terminated with a
(composite) error will be sent to the same global error handler.
Use mergeDelayError(Iterable)
to merge sources and terminate only when all source MaybeSource
have completed or failed with an error.
- the common and resulting value typesources
- the Iterable
sequence of MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> merge(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sequence of MaybeSource
instances into a single Flowable
running all MaybeSource
s at once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
s signal a Throwable
via onError
, the resulting
terminates with that Throwable
and all other source MaybeSource
s are disposed.
If more than one MaybeSource
signals an error, the resulting Flowable
may terminate with the
first one's error or, depending on the concurrency of the sources, may terminate with a
containing two or more of the various error signals.
s that didn't make into the composite will be sent (individually) to the global error handler via
method as UndeliverableException
errors. Similarly, Throwable
signaled by source(s) after the returned Flowable
has been cancelled or terminated with a
(composite) error will be sent to the same global error handler.
Use mergeDelayError(Publisher)
to merge sources and terminate only when all source MaybeSource
have completed or failed with an error.
- the common and resulting value typesources
- the Flowable
sequence of MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> merge(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, int maxConcurrency)
sequence of MaybeSource
instances into a single Flowable
running at most maxConcurrency MaybeSource
s at once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
s signal a Throwable
via onError
, the resulting
terminates with that Throwable
and all other source MaybeSource
s are disposed.
If more than one MaybeSource
signals an error, the resulting Flowable
may terminate with the
first one's error or, depending on the concurrency of the sources, may terminate with a
containing two or more of the various error signals.
s that didn't make into the composite will be sent (individually) to the global error handler via
method as UndeliverableException
errors. Similarly, Throwable
signaled by source(s) after the returned Flowable
has been cancelled or terminated with a
(composite) error will be sent to the same global error handler.
Use mergeDelayError(Publisher, int)
to merge sources and terminate only when all source MaybeSource
have completed or failed with an error.
- the common and resulting value typesources
- the Flowable
sequence of MaybeSource
- the maximum number of concurrently running MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
- if maxConcurrency
is non-positivemergeDelayError(Publisher, int)
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> merge(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> source)
that emits a MaybeSource
into a single MaybeSource
that emits the item
emitted by the nested MaybeSource
, without any transformation.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
emits the outer source's or the inner MaybeSource
's Throwable
as is.
Unlike the other merge()
operators, this operator won't and can't produce a CompositeException
because there is
only one possibility for the outer or the inner MaybeSource
to emit an onError
Therefore, there is no need for a mergeDelayError(MaybeSource<MaybeSource<T>>)
- the value type of the sources and the outputsource
- a MaybeSource
that emits a MaybeSource
- if source
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> merge(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2)
s into a single Flowable
, without any transformation.
You can combine items emitted by multiple MaybeSource
s so that they appear as a single Flowable
, by
using the merge
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
s signal a Throwable
via onError
, the resulting
terminates with that Throwable
and all other source MaybeSource
s are disposed.
If more than one MaybeSource
signals an error, the resulting Flowable
may terminate with the
first one's error or, depending on the concurrency of the sources, may terminate with a
containing two or more of the various error signals.
s that didn't make into the composite will be sent (individually) to the global error handler via
method as UndeliverableException
errors. Similarly, Throwable
signaled by source(s) after the returned Flowable
has been cancelled or terminated with a
(composite) error will be sent to the same global error handler.
Use mergeDelayError(MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
to merge sources and terminate only when all source MaybeSource
have completed or failed with an error.
- the common value typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedFlowable
- if source1
or source2
is null
mergeDelayError(MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> merge(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3)
s into a single Flowable
, without any transformation.
You can combine items emitted by multiple MaybeSource
s so that they appear as a single Flowable
, by using
the merge
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
s signal a Throwable
via onError
, the resulting
terminates with that Throwable
and all other source MaybeSource
s are disposed.
If more than one MaybeSource
signals an error, the resulting Flowable
may terminate with the
first one's error or, depending on the concurrency of the sources, may terminate with a
containing two or more of the various error signals.
s that didn't make into the composite will be sent (individually) to the global error handler via
method as UndeliverableException
errors. Similarly, Throwable
signaled by source(s) after the returned Flowable
has been cancelled or terminated with a
(composite) error will be sent to the same global error handler.
Use mergeDelayError(MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
to merge sources and terminate only when all source MaybeSource
have completed or failed with an error.
- the common value typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource3
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedFlowable
- if source1
, source2
or source3
is null
mergeDelayError(MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> merge(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source4)
s into a single Flowable
, without any transformation.
You can combine items emitted by multiple MaybeSource
s so that they appear as a single Flowable
, by using
the merge
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
s signal a Throwable
via onError
, the resulting
terminates with that Throwable
and all other source MaybeSource
s are disposed.
If more than one MaybeSource
signals an error, the resulting Flowable
may terminate with the
first one's error or, depending on the concurrency of the sources, may terminate with a
containing two or more of the various error signals.
s that didn't make into the composite will be sent (individually) to the global error handler via
method as UndeliverableException
errors. Similarly, Throwable
signaled by source(s) after the returned Flowable
has been cancelled or terminated with a
(composite) error will be sent to the same global error handler.
Use mergeDelayError(MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
to merge sources and terminate only when all source MaybeSource
have completed or failed with an error.
- the common value typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource3
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource4
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedFlowable
- if source1
, source2
, source3
or source4
is null
mergeDelayError(MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @SafeVarargs public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeArray(MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
instances into a single Flowable
running all MaybeSource
s at once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
s signal a Throwable
via onError
, the resulting
terminates with that Throwable
and all other source MaybeSource
s are disposed.
If more than one MaybeSource
signals an error, the resulting Flowable
may terminate with the
first one's error or, depending on the concurrency of the sources, may terminate with a
containing two or more of the various error signals.
s that didn't make into the composite will be sent (individually) to the global error handler via
method as UndeliverableException
errors. Similarly, Throwable
signaled by source(s) after the returned Flowable
has been cancelled or terminated with a
(composite) error will be sent to the same global error handler.
Use mergeArrayDelayError(MaybeSource...)
to merge sources and terminate only when all source MaybeSource
have completed or failed with an error.
- the common and resulting value typesources
- the array sequence of MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @SafeVarargs @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeArrayDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
s into one Flowable
, in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from each of the source MaybeSource
s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them.
This behaves like merge(Publisher)
except that if any of the merged MaybeSource
s notify of an
error via onError
, mergeArrayDelayError
will refrain from propagating that
error notification until all of the merged MaybeSource
s have finished emitting items.
Even if multiple merged MaybeSource
s send onError
notifications, mergeArrayDelayError
will only
invoke the onError
method of its subscribers once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesources
- the array of MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeDelayError(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
sequence of MaybeSource
s into one Flowable
, in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from each of the source MaybeSource
s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them.
This behaves like merge(Publisher)
except that if any of the merged MaybeSource
s notify of an
error via onError
, mergeDelayError
will refrain from propagating that
error notification until all of the merged MaybeSource
s have finished emitting items.
Even if multiple merged MaybeSource
s send onError
notifications, mergeDelayError
will only
invoke the onError
method of its subscribers once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesources
- the Iterable
of MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
that emits MaybeSource
s into one Flowable
, in a way that allows a subscriber to
receive all successfully emitted items from all of the source MaybeSource
s without being interrupted by
an error notification from one of them or even the main Publisher
This behaves like merge(Publisher)
except that if any of the merged MaybeSource
s notify of an
error via onError
, mergeDelayError
will refrain from propagating that
error notification until all of the merged MaybeSource
s and the main Publisher
have finished emitting items.
Even if multiple merged MaybeSource
s send onError
notifications, mergeDelayError
will only
invoke the onError
method of its subscribers once.
is consumed
in unbounded mode (i.e., no backpressure is applied to it).mergeDelayError
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesources
- a Publisher
that emits MaybeSource
- if sources
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, int maxConcurrency)
that emits MaybeSource
s into one Flowable
, in a way that allows a subscriber to
receive all successfully emitted items from all of the source MaybeSource
s without being interrupted by
an error notification from one of them or even the main Publisher
as well as limiting the total number of active MaybeSource
This behaves like merge(Publisher, int)
except that if any of the merged MaybeSource
s notify of an
error via onError
, mergeDelayError
will refrain from propagating that
error notification until all of the merged MaybeSource
s and the main Publisher
have finished emitting items.
Even if multiple merged MaybeSource
s send onError
notifications, mergeDelayError
will only
invoke the onError
method of its subscribers once.
is consumed
in unbounded mode (i.e., no backpressure is applied to it).mergeDelayError
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.History: 2.1.9 - experimental
- the common element base typesources
- a Publisher
that emits MaybeSource
- the maximum number of active inner MaybeSource
s to be merged at a timeFlowable
- if sources
is null
- if maxConcurrency
is non-positive@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2)
s into one Flowable
, in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from each of the source MaybeSource
s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them.
This behaves like merge(MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
except that if any of the merged MaybeSource
notify of an error via onError
, mergeDelayError
will refrain from
propagating that error notification until all of the merged MaybeSource
s have finished emitting items.
Even if both merged MaybeSource
s send onError
notifications, mergeDelayError
will only
invoke the onError
method of its subscribers once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedFlowable
- if source1
or source2
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3)
into one Flowable
, in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from all of the source MaybeSource
s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them.
This behaves like merge(MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
except that if any of the merged
s notify of an error via onError
, mergeDelayError
will refrain
from propagating that error notification until all of the merged MaybeSource
s have finished emitting
Even if multiple merged MaybeSource
s send onError
notifications, mergeDelayError
will only
invoke the onError
method of its subscribers once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource3
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedFlowable
- if source1
, source2
or source3
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeDelayError(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source4)
s into one Flowable
, in a way that allows a subscriber to receive all
successfully emitted items from all of the source MaybeSource
s without being interrupted by an error
notification from one of them.
This behaves like merge(MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource, MaybeSource)
except that if any of
the merged MaybeSource
s notify of an error via onError
, mergeDelayError
will refrain from propagating that error notification until all of the merged MaybeSource
s have finished
emitting items.
Even if multiple merged MaybeSource
s send onError
notifications, mergeDelayError
will only
invoke the onError
method of its subscribers once.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element base typesource1
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource2
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource3
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedsource4
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedFlowable
- if source1
, source2
, source3
or source4
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> never()
that never sends any items or notifications to a MaybeObserver
This Maybe
is useful primarily for testing purposes.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items (not) emitted by the Maybe
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Single<Boolean> sequenceEqual(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2)
that emits a Boolean
value that indicates whether two MaybeSource
sequences are the
same by comparing the items emitted by each MaybeSource
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items emitted by each MaybeSource
- the first MaybeSource
to comparesource2
- the second MaybeSource
to compareSingle
- if source1
or source2
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Single<Boolean> sequenceEqual(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> source2, @NonNull BiPredicate<? super T,? super T> isEqual)
that emits a Boolean
value that indicates whether two MaybeSource
s are the
same by comparing the items emitted by each MaybeSource
pairwise based on the results of a specified
equality function.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items emitted by each MaybeSource
- the first MaybeSource
to comparesource2
- the second MaybeSource
to compareisEqual
- a function used to compare items emitted by each MaybeSource
- if source1
, source2
or isEqual
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=UNBOUNDED_IN) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> switchOnNext(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
s emitted by the source Publisher
a new MaybeSource
is emitted, disposing the previously running MaybeSource
exposing the success items as a Flowable
is consumed in an unbounded manner (requesting Long.MAX_VALUE
The returned Flowable
respects the backpressure from the downstream.switchOnNext
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
or the currently running MaybeSource
, disposing the rest. Late errors are
forwarded to the global error handler via RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
- the element type of the MaybeSource
- the Publisher
sequence of inner MaybeSource
s to switch betweenFlowable
- if sources
is null
ReactiveX operators documentation: Switch@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Flowable<T> switchOnNextDelayError(@NonNull Publisher<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources)
s emitted by the source Publisher
a new MaybeSource
is emitted, disposing the previously running MaybeSource
exposing the success items as a Flowable
sequence and delaying all errors from
all of them until all terminate.
is consumed in an unbounded manner (requesting Long.MAX_VALUE
The returned Flowable
respects the backpressure from the downstream.switchOnNextDelayError
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
collects all errors emitted by either the sources
or any inner MaybeSource
and emits them as a CompositeException
when all sources terminate. If only one source ever failed, its error is emitted as-is at the end.T
- the element type of the MaybeSource
- the Publisher
sequence of inner MaybeSource
s to switch betweenFlowable
- if sources
is null
ReactiveX operators documentation: Switch@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") @NonNull public static @NonNull Maybe<Long> timer(long delay, @NonNull TimeUnit unit)
that emits 0L
after a specified delay.
operates by default on the computation
- the initial delay before emitting a single 0L
- time units to use for delay
- if unit
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public static @NonNull Maybe<Long> timer(long delay, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
that emits 0L
after a specified delay on a specified Scheduler
this operator will use.delay
- the initial delay before emitting a single 0Lunit
- time units to use for delay
- the Scheduler
to use for scheduling the itemMaybe
- if unit
or scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> unsafeCreate(@NonNull MaybeSource<T> onSubscribe)
instance without
any safeguards by using a callback that is called with a MaybeObserver
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typeonSubscribe
- the function that is called with the subscribing MaybeObserver
- if onSubscribe
is a Maybe
- if onSubscribe
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T,D> @NonNull Maybe<T> using(@NonNull Supplier<? extends D> resourceSupplier, @NonNull Function<? super D,? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sourceSupplier, @NonNull Consumer<? super D> resourceCleanup)
that creates a dependent resource object which is disposed of when the
generated MaybeSource
terminates or the downstream calls dispose().
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the generated MaybeSource
- the type of the resource associated with the output sequenceresourceSupplier
- the factory function to create a resource object that depends on the Maybe
- the factory function to create a MaybeSource
- the function that will dispose of the resourceMaybe
- if resourceSupplier
, sourceSupplier
or resourceCleanup
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T,D> @NonNull Maybe<T> using(@NonNull Supplier<? extends D> resourceSupplier, @NonNull Function<? super D,? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sourceSupplier, @NonNull Consumer<? super D> resourceCleanup, boolean eager)
that creates a dependent resource object which is disposed first ({code eager == true})
when the generated MaybeSource
terminates or the downstream disposes; or after ({code eager == false}).
Eager disposal is particularly appropriate for a synchronous Maybe
that reuses resources. disposeAction
only be called once per subscription.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the generated MaybeSource
- the type of the resource associated with the output sequenceresourceSupplier
- the factory function to create a resource object that depends on the Maybe
- the factory function to create a MaybeSource
- the function that will dispose of the resourceeager
- If true
then resource disposal will happen either on a dispose()
call before the upstream is disposed
or just before the emission of a terminal event (onSuccess
, onComplete
or onError
If false
the resource disposal will happen either on a dispose()
call after the upstream is disposed
or just after the emission of a terminal event (onSuccess
, onComplete
or onError
- if resourceSupplier
, sourceSupplier
or resourceCleanup
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> wrap(@NonNull MaybeSource<T> source)
instance into a new Maybe
instance if not already a Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesource
- the source to wrapMaybe
- if source
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull Iterable<? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> sources, @NonNull Function<? super Object[],? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
items emitted, in sequence, by an Iterable
of other MaybeSource
Note on method signature: since Java doesn't allow creating a generic array with new T[]
, the
implementation of this operator has to create an Object[]
instead. Unfortunately, a
Function<Integer[], R>
passed to the method would trigger a ClassCastException
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typeR
- the zipped result typesources
- an Iterable
of source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if zipper
or sources
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2, @NonNull BiFunction<? super T1,? super T2,? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
two items emitted, in sequence, by two other MaybeSource
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the first sourceT2
- the value type of the second sourceR
- the zipped result typesource1
- the first source MaybeSource
- a second source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results
in an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if source1
, source2
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3, @NonNull Function3<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
three items emitted, in sequence, by three other MaybeSource
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the first sourceT2
- the value type of the second sourceT3
- the value type of the third sourceR
- the zipped result typesource1
- the first source MaybeSource
- a second source MaybeSource
- a third source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if source1
, source2
, source3
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4, @NonNull Function4<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
four items emitted, in sequence, by four other MaybeSource
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the first sourceT2
- the value type of the second sourceT3
- the value type of the third sourceT4
- the value type of the fourth sourceR
- the zipped result typesource1
- the first source MaybeSource
- a second source MaybeSource
- a third source MaybeSource
- a fourth source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if source1
, source2
, source3
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5, @NonNull Function5<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
five items emitted, in sequence, by five other MaybeSource
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the first sourceT2
- the value type of the second sourceT3
- the value type of the third sourceT4
- the value type of the fourth sourceT5
- the value type of the fifth sourceR
- the zipped result typesource1
- the first source MaybeSource
- a second source MaybeSource
- a third source MaybeSource
- a fourth source MaybeSource
- a fifth source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if source1
, source2
, source3
, source5
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T6> source6, @NonNull Function6<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
six items emitted, in sequence, by six other MaybeSource
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the first sourceT2
- the value type of the second sourceT3
- the value type of the third sourceT4
- the value type of the fourth sourceT5
- the value type of the fifth sourceT6
- the value type of the sixth sourceR
- the zipped result typesource1
- the first source MaybeSource
- a second source MaybeSource
- a third source MaybeSource
- a fourth source MaybeSource
- a fifth source MaybeSource
- a sixth source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if source1
, source2
, source3
, source5
, source6
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T6> source6, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T7> source7, @NonNull Function7<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
seven items emitted, in sequence, by seven other MaybeSource
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the first sourceT2
- the value type of the second sourceT3
- the value type of the third sourceT4
- the value type of the fourth sourceT5
- the value type of the fifth sourceT6
- the value type of the sixth sourceT7
- the value type of the seventh sourceR
- the zipped result typesource1
- the first source MaybeSource
- a second source MaybeSource
- a third source MaybeSource
- a fourth source MaybeSource
- a fifth source MaybeSource
- a sixth source MaybeSource
- a seventh source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if source1
, source2
, source3
, source5
, source6
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T6> source6, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T7> source7, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T8> source8, @NonNull Function8<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
eight items emitted, in sequence, by eight other MaybeSource
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the first sourceT2
- the value type of the second sourceT3
- the value type of the third sourceT4
- the value type of the fourth sourceT5
- the value type of the fifth sourceT6
- the value type of the sixth sourceT7
- the value type of the seventh sourceT8
- the value type of the eighth sourceR
- the zipped result typesource1
- the first source MaybeSource
- a second source MaybeSource
- a third source MaybeSource
- a fourth source MaybeSource
- a fifth source MaybeSource
- a sixth source MaybeSource
- a seventh source MaybeSource
- an eighth source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if source1
, source2
, source3
, source5
, source6
, source8
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zip(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T1> source1, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T2> source2, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T3> source3, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T4> source4, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T5> source5, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T6> source6, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T7> source7, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T8> source8, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T9> source9, @NonNull Function9<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? extends R> zipper)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
nine items emitted, in sequence, by nine other MaybeSource
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the first sourceT2
- the value type of the second sourceT3
- the value type of the third sourceT4
- the value type of the fourth sourceT5
- the value type of the fifth sourceT6
- the value type of the sixth sourceT7
- the value type of the seventh sourceT8
- the value type of the eighth sourceT9
- the value type of the ninth sourceR
- the zipped result typesource1
- the first source MaybeSource
- a second source MaybeSource
- a third source MaybeSource
- a fourth source MaybeSource
- a fifth source MaybeSource
- a sixth source MaybeSource
- a seventh source MaybeSource
- an eighth source MaybeSource
- a ninth source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if source1
, source2
, source3
, source5
, source6
, source8
, source9
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @SafeVarargs public static <T,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zipArray(@NonNull Function<? super Object[],? extends R> zipper, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T>... sources)
that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to combinations of
items emitted, in sequence, by an array of other MaybeSource
Note on method signature: since Java doesn't allow creating a generic array with new T[]
, the
implementation of this operator has to create an Object[]
instead. Unfortunately, a
Function<Integer[], R>
passed to the method would trigger a ClassCastException
This operator terminates eagerly if any of the source MaybeSource
s signal an onError
or onComplete
. This
also means it is possible some sources may not get subscribed to at all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common element typeR
- the result typesources
- an array of source MaybeSource
- a function that, when applied to an item emitted by each of the source MaybeSource
s, results in
an item that will be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if sources
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> ambWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> other)
(current or provided) that first signals an event.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a MaybeSource
competing to react first. A subscription to this provided source will occur after
subscribing to the current source.Maybe
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @Nullable public final T blockingGet()
signals a success value (which is returned),
if completed or an exception (which is propagated).
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
into RuntimeException
and throws that. Otherwise, RuntimeException
s and
s are rethrown as they are.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final T blockingGet(@NonNull T defaultValue)
signals a success value (which is returned),
defaultValue if completed or an exception (which is propagated).
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
into RuntimeException
and throws that. Otherwise, RuntimeException
s and
s are rethrown as they are.defaultValue
- the default item to return if this Maybe
is emptyNullPointerException
- if defaultValue
is null
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final void blockingSubscribe()
and blocks the current thread until it terminates.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
signals an error,
the Throwable
is routed to the global error handler via RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
If the current thread is interrupted, an InterruptedException
is routed to the same global error handler.
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final void blockingSubscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
and calls given onSuccess
callback on the current thread
when it completes normally.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
signals an error or onSuccess
the respective Throwable
is routed to the global error handler via RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
If the current thread is interrupted, an InterruptedException
is routed to the same global error handler.
- the Consumer
to call if the current Maybe
- if onSuccess
is null
blockingSubscribe(Consumer, Consumer)
blockingSubscribe(Consumer, Consumer, Action)
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final void blockingSubscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess, @NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
and calls the appropriate callback on the current thread
when it terminates.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
or onError
throw, the Throwable
is routed to the
global error handler via RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
If the current thread is interrupted, the onError
consumer is called with an InterruptedException
- the Consumer
to call if the current Maybe
- the Consumer
to call if the current Maybe
signals an errorNullPointerException
- if onSuccess
or onError
is null
blockingSubscribe(Consumer, Consumer, Action)
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final void blockingSubscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess, @NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @NonNull Action onComplete)
and calls the appropriate callback on the current thread
when it terminates.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
, onError
or onComplete
throw, the Throwable
is routed to the
global error handler via RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
If the current thread is interrupted, the onError
consumer is called with an InterruptedException
- the Consumer
to call if the current Maybe
- the Consumer
to call if the current Maybe
signals an erroronComplete
- the Action
to call if the current Maybe
completes without a valueNullPointerException
- if onSuccess
, onError
or onComplete
is null
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final void blockingSubscribe(@NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer)
and calls the appropriate MaybeObserver
method on the current thread.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
signal is delivered to the MaybeObserver.onError(Throwable)
If any of the MaybeObserver
's methods throw, the RuntimeException
is propagated to the caller of this method.
If the current thread is interrupted, an InterruptedException
is delivered to observer.onError
- the MaybeObserver
to call methods on the current threadNullPointerException
- if observer
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> cache()
that subscribes to this Maybe
lazily, caches its event
and replays it, to all the downstream subscribers.
The operator subscribes only when the first downstream subscriber subscribes and maintains
a single subscription towards this Maybe
Note: You sacrifice the ability to dispose the origin when you use the cache
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<U> cast(@NonNull Class<? extends U> clazz)
into the target type or signals a
if not compatible.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the target typeclazz
- the type token to use for casting the success result from the current Maybe
- if clazz
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> compose(@NonNull MaybeTransformer<? super T,? extends R> transformer)
by applying a particular MaybeTransformer
function to it.
This method operates on the Maybe
itself whereas lift(io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.MaybeOperator<? extends R, ? super T>)
operates on the Maybe
's MaybeObserver
If the operator you are creating is designed to act on the individual item emitted by a Maybe
, use
lift(io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.MaybeOperator<? extends R, ? super T>)
. If your operator is designed to transform the current Maybe
as a whole (for instance, by
applying a particular set of existing RxJava operators to it) use compose
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the Maybe
returned by the transformer functiontransformer
- the transformer function, not null
- if transformer
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> concatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> mapper)
that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the current Maybe
where that function returns a MaybeSource
Note that flatMap and concatMap for Maybe
is the same operation.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returns a MaybeSource
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Completable concatMapCompletable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends CompletableSource> mapper)
that completes based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe
, where that function returns a Completable
This operator is an alias for flatMapCompletable(Function)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returns a
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> concatMapSingle(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends SingleSource<? extends R>> mapper)
based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe
, where that function returns a Single
When this Maybe
just completes the resulting Maybe
completes as well.
This operator is an alias for flatMapSingle(Function)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returns a
- if mapper
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Flowable<T> concatWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> other)
that emits the items emitted from the current Maybe
, then the other
, one after
the other, without interleaving them.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a MaybeSource
to be concatenated after the currentFlowable
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Single<Boolean> contains(@NonNull Object item)
that emits a Boolean
that indicates whether the current Maybe
emitted a
specified item.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the item to search for in the emissions from the current Maybe
, not null
- if item
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Single<Long> count()
that counts the total number of items emitted (0 or 1) by the current Maybe
and emits
this count as a 64-bit Long
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Single<T> defaultIfEmpty(@NonNull T defaultItem)
that emits the item emitted by the current Maybe
or a specified default item
if the current Maybe
is empty.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the item to emit if the current Maybe
emits no itemsSingle
- if defaultItem
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> dematerialize(@NonNull Function<? super T,Notification<R>> selector)
success value of the current Maybe
back into normal
, onError
or onComplete
The intended use of the selector
function is to perform a
type-safe identity mapping (see example) on a source that is already of type
. The Java language doesn't allow
limiting instance methods to a certain generic argument shape, therefore,
a function is used to ensure the conversion remains type safe.
Regular onError
or onComplete
signals from the current Maybe
are passed along to the downstream.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.dematerialize(notification -> notification)
- the result typeselector
- the function called with the success item and should
return a Notification
- if selector
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> delay(long time, @NonNull TimeUnit unit)
that signals the events emitted by the current Maybe
shifted forward in time by a
specified delay.
An error signal will not be delayed.
operates by default on the computation
- the delay to shift the source byunit
- the TimeUnit
in which time
is definedMaybe
- if unit
is null
delay(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler, boolean)
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> delay(long time, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, boolean delayError)
that signals the events emitted by the current Maybe
shifted forward in time by a
specified delay.
operates by default on the computation
- the delay to shift the source byunit
- the TimeUnit
in which time
is defineddelayError
- if true
, both success and error signals are delayed. if false
, only success signals are delayed.Maybe
- if unit
is null
delay(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler, boolean)
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> delay(long time, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
that signals the events emitted by the current Maybe
shifted forward in time by a
specified delay.
An error signal will not be delayed.
where the non-blocking wait and emission happenstime
- the delay to shift the source byunit
- the TimeUnit
in which time
is definedscheduler
- the Scheduler
to use for delayingMaybe
- if unit
or scheduler
is null
delay(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler, boolean)
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> delay(long time, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler, boolean delayError)
that signals the events emitted by the current Maybe
shifted forward in time by a
specified delay running on the specified Scheduler
this operator will use.time
- the delay to shift the source byunit
- the TimeUnit
in which time
is definedscheduler
- the Scheduler
to use for delayingdelayError
- if true
, both success and error signals are delayed. if false
, only success signals are delayed.Maybe
- if unit
or scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @BackpressureSupport(value=UNBOUNDED_IN) public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<T> delay(@NonNull Publisher<U> delayIndicator)
until the given Publisher
signals an item or completes.
is consumed in an unbounded manner but is cancelled after
the first item it produces.delay
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the subscription delay value type (ignored)delayIndicator
- the Publisher
that gets subscribed to when this Maybe
signals an event and that
signal is emitted when the Publisher
signals an item or completesMaybe
- if delayIndicator
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=UNBOUNDED_IN) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<T> delaySubscription(@NonNull Publisher<U> subscriptionIndicator)
that delays the subscription to this Maybe
until the other Publisher
emits an element or completes normally.
source is consumed in an unbounded fashion (without applying backpressure).Scheduler
- the value type of the other Publisher
, irrelevantsubscriptionIndicator
- the other Publisher
that should trigger the subscription
to this Publisher
- if subscriptionIndicator
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> delaySubscription(long time, @NonNull TimeUnit unit)
that delays the subscription to the current Maybe
by a given amount of time.
operates by default on the computation
- the time to delay the subscriptionunit
- the time unit of delay
- if unit
is null
delaySubscription(long, TimeUnit, Scheduler)
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> delaySubscription(long time, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
that delays the subscription to the current Maybe
by a given amount of time,
both waiting and subscribing on a given Scheduler
this operator will use.time
- the time to delay the subscriptionunit
- the time unit of delay
- the Scheduler
on which the waiting and subscription will happenMaybe
- if unit
or scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doAfterSuccess(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onAfterSuccess)
with the success item after this item has been emitted to the downstream.
Note that the onAfterSuccess
action is shared between subscriptions and as such
should be thread-safe.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.History: 2.0.1 - experimental
- the Consumer
that will be called after emitting an item from upstream to the downstreamMaybe
- if onAfterSuccess
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doAfterTerminate(@NonNull Action onAfterTerminate)
to be called when this Maybe
invokes either
or onError
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- an Action
to be invoked when the current Maybe
- if onAfterTerminate
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doFinally(@NonNull Action onFinally)
signals onSuccess
, onError
or onComplete
or gets disposed by
the downstream.
In case of a race between a terminal event and a dispose call, the provided onFinally
is executed once per subscription.
Note that the onFinally
action is shared between subscriptions and as such
should be thread-safe.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.History: 2.0.1 - experimental
- the action called when this Maybe
terminates or gets disposedMaybe
- if onFinally
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doOnDispose(@NonNull Action onDispose)
if a MaybeObserver
subscribed to the current Maybe
disposes the common Disposable
it received via onSubscribe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the action called when the subscription is disposedMaybe
- if onDispose
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doOnComplete(@NonNull Action onComplete)
just before the current Maybe
calls onComplete
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the action to invoke when the current Maybe
calls onComplete
with the side-effecting behavior appliedNullPointerException
- if onComplete
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doOnError(@NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
with the error sent via onError
for each
that subscribes to the current Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the consumer called with the success value of onError
- if onError
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doOnEvent(@NonNull BiConsumer<? super T,? super Throwable> onEvent)
callback with the (success value, null
) for an onSuccess
, (null
, throwable) for
an onError
or (null
, null
) for an onComplete
signal from this Maybe
before delivering said
signal to the downstream.
The exceptions thrown from the callback will override the event so the downstream receives the error instead of the original signal.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the callback to call with the success value or the exception, whichever is not null
- if onEvent
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doOnLifecycle(@NonNull Consumer<? super Disposable> onSubscribe, @NonNull Action onDispose)
method (shared between all MaybeObserver
s) for the lifecycle events of
the sequence (subscription, disposal).
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a Consumer
called with the Disposable
sent via MaybeObserver.onSubscribe(Disposable)
- called when the downstream disposes the Disposable
via dispose()
- if onSubscribe
or onDispose
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doOnSubscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super Disposable> onSubscribe)
with the Disposable
sent through the onSubscribe
for each
that subscribes to the current Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Consumer
called with the Disposable
sent via onSubscribe
- if onSubscribe
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doOnTerminate(@NonNull Action onTerminate)
instance that calls the given onTerminate callback
just before this Maybe
completes normally or with an exception.
This differs from doAfterTerminate
in that this happens before the onComplete
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.History: 2.2.7 - experimental
- the action to invoke when the consumer calls onComplete
or onError
- if onTerminate
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> doOnSuccess(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
with the success value sent via onSuccess
for each
that subscribes to the current Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Consumer
called with the success value of the upstreamMaybe
- if onSuccess
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> filter(@NonNull Predicate<? super T> predicate)
via a predicate function and emitting it if the predicate
returns true
, completing otherwise.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that evaluates the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returning true
if it passes the filterMaybe
- if predicate
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> flatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> mapper)
that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the current Maybe
where that function returns a MaybeSource
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.Note that flatMap and concatMap for Maybe
is the same operation.
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returns a MaybeSource
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> flatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> onSuccessMapper, @NonNull Function<? super Throwable,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> onErrorMapper, @NonNull Supplier<? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> onCompleteSupplier)
, onError
or onComplete
signals of the current Maybe
into a MaybeSource
and emits that
's signals.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result typeonSuccessMapper
- a function that returns a MaybeSource
to merge for the onSuccess
item emitted by this Maybe
- a function that returns a MaybeSource
to merge for an onError
notification from this Maybe
- a function that returns a MaybeSource
to merge for an onComplete
notification this Maybe
- if onSuccessMapper
, onErrorMapper
or onCompleteSupplier
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> flatMap(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends U>> mapper, @NonNull BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> combiner)
that emits the results of a specified function to the pair of values emitted by the
current Maybe
and a specified mapped MaybeSource
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items emitted by the MaybeSource
returned by the mapper
- the type of items emitted by the resulting Maybe
- a function that returns a MaybeSource
for the item emitted by the current Maybe
- a function that combines one item emitted by each of the source and collection MaybeSource
returns an item to be emitted by the resulting MaybeSource
- if mapper
or combiner
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Flowable<U> flattenAsFlowable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends U>> mapper)
into an Iterable
and emits its items as a
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of item emitted by the inner Iterable
- a function that returns an Iterable
sequence of values for when given an item emitted by the
current Maybe
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Observable<U> flattenAsObservable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Iterable<? extends U>> mapper)
into an Iterable
and emits its items as an
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of item emitted by the resulting Iterable
- a function that returns an Iterable
sequence of values for when given an item emitted by the
current Maybe
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Observable<R> flatMapObservable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends ObservableSource<? extends R>> mapper)
that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the current Maybe
where that function returns an ObservableSource
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returns an ObservableSource
- if mapper
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Flowable<R> flatMapPublisher(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper)
that emits items based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe
, where that function returns a Publisher
honors the downstream backpressure.flatMapPublisher
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returns a
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> flatMapSingle(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends SingleSource<? extends R>> mapper)
based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe
, where that function returns a Single
When this Maybe
just completes the resulting Maybe
completes as well.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.History: 2.0.2 - experimental
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returns a
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Completable flatMapCompletable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends CompletableSource> mapper)
that completes based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
current Maybe
, where that function returns a Completable
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the current Maybe
, returns a
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> hide()
and its Disposable
Allows preventing certain identity-based optimizations (fusion).
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Completable ignoreElement()
that ignores the item emitted by the current Maybe
and only calls onComplete
or onError
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Single<Boolean> isEmpty()
that emits true
if the current Maybe
is empty, otherwise false
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> lift(@NonNull MaybeOperator<? extends R,? super T> lift)
which, when subscribed to, invokes the apply(MaybeObserver)
of the provided MaybeOperator
for each individual downstream Maybe
and allows the
insertion of a custom operator by accessing the downstream's MaybeObserver
during this subscription phase
and providing a new MaybeObserver
, containing the custom operator's intended business logic, that will be
used in the subscription process going further upstream.
Generally, such a new MaybeObserver
will wrap the downstream's MaybeObserver
and forwards the
, onError
and onComplete
events from the upstream directly or according to the
emission pattern the custom operator's business logic requires. In addition, such operator can intercept the
flow control calls of dispose
and isDisposed
that would have traveled upstream and perform
additional actions depending on the same business logic requirements.
// Step 1: Create the consumer type that will be returned by the MaybeOperator.apply():
public final class CustomMaybeObserver<T> implements MaybeObserver<T>, Disposable {
// The downstream's MaybeObserver that will receive the onXXX events
final MaybeObserver<? super String> downstream;
// The connection to the upstream source that will call this class' onXXX methods
Disposable upstream;
// The constructor takes the downstream subscriber and usually any other parameters
public CustomMaybeObserver(MaybeObserver<? super String> downstream) {
this.downstream = downstream;
// In the subscription phase, the upstream sends a Disposable to this class
// and subsequently this class has to send a Disposable to the downstream.
// Note that relaying the upstream's Disposable directly is not allowed in RxJava
public void onSubscribe(Disposable d) {
if (upstream != null) {
} else {
upstream = d;
// The upstream calls this with the next item and the implementation's
// responsibility is to emit an item to the downstream based on the intended
// business logic, or if it can't do so for the particular item,
// request more from the upstream
public void onSuccess(T item) {
String str = item.toString();
if (str.length() < 2) {
} else {
// Maybe is expected to produce one of the onXXX events only
// Some operators may handle the upstream's error while others
// could just forward it to the downstream.
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
// When the upstream completes, usually the downstream should complete as well.
public void onComplete() {
// Some operators may use their own resources which should be cleaned up if
// the downstream disposes the flow before it completed. Operators without
// resources can simply forward the dispose to the upstream.
// In some cases, a disposed flag may be set by this method so that other parts
// of this class may detect the dispose and stop sending events
// to the downstream.
public void dispose() {
// Some operators may simply forward the call to the upstream while others
// can return the disposed flag set in dispose().
public boolean isDisposed() {
return upstream.isDisposed();
// Step 2: Create a class that implements the MaybeOperator interface and
// returns the custom consumer type from above in its apply() method.
// Such class may define additional parameters to be submitted to
// the custom consumer type.
final class CustomMaybeOperator<T> implements MaybeOperator<String> {
public MaybeObserver<? super String> apply(MaybeObserver<? super T> upstream) {
return new CustomMaybeObserver<T>(upstream);
// Step 3: Apply the custom operator via lift() in a flow by creating an instance of it
// or reusing an existing one.
.lift(new CustomMaybeOperator<Integer>())
.lift(new CustomMaybeOperator<Integer>())
Creating custom operators can be complicated and it is recommended one consults the RxJava wiki: Writing operators page about the tools, requirements, rules, considerations and pitfalls of implementing them.
Note that implementing custom operators via this lift()
method adds slightly more overhead by requiring
an additional allocation and indirection per assembled flows. Instead, extending the abstract Maybe
class and creating a MaybeTransformer
with it is recommended.
Note also that it is not possible to stop the subscription phase in lift()
as the apply()
requires a non-null
instance to be returned, which is then unconditionally subscribed to
the current Maybe
. For example, if the operator decided there is no reason to subscribe to the
upstream source because of some optimization possibility or a failure to prepare the operator, it still has to
return a MaybeObserver
that should immediately dispose the upstream's Disposable
in its
method. Again, using a MaybeTransformer
and extending the Maybe
a better option as subscribeActual(io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.MaybeObserver<? super T>)
can decide to not subscribe to its upstream after all.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
, however, the
may use a Scheduler
to support its own asynchronous behavior.R
- the output value typelift
- the MaybeOperator
that receives the downstream's MaybeObserver
and should return
a MaybeObserver
with custom behavior to be used as the consumer for the current
- if lift
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> map(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper)
that applies a specified function to the item emitted by the current Maybe
emits the result of this function application.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function to apply to the item emitted by the Maybe
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Single<Notification<T>> materialize()
into a Notification
of the same kind
and emits it as a Single
's onSuccess
value to downstream.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.History: 2.2.4 - experimental
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Flowable<T> mergeWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> other)
and another MaybeSource
into a single Flowable
, without any transformation.
You can combine items emitted by multiple Maybe
s so that they appear as a single Flowable
, by
using the mergeWith
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a MaybeSource
to be mergedFlowable
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> observeOn(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
to emit its item (or notify of its error) on a specified Scheduler
this operator will use.scheduler
- the Scheduler
to notify subscribers onMaybe
instance that its subscribers are notified on the specified
- if scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<U> ofType(@NonNull Class<U> clazz)
, only emitting its success value if that
is an instance of the supplied Class
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the output typeclazz
- the class type to filter the items emitted by the current Maybe
- if clazz
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> R to(@NonNull MaybeConverter<T,? extends R> converter)
This allows fluent conversion to any other type.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.History: 2.1.7 - experimental
- the resulting object typeconverter
- the function that receives the current Maybe
instance and returns a valueNullPointerException
- if converter
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Flowable<T> toFlowable()
into a backpressure-aware Flowable
instance composing cancellation
honors the backpressure of the downstream.toFlowable
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Future<T> toFuture()
representing the single value emitted by the current Maybe
or null
if the current Maybe
is empty.
Cancelling the Future
will cancel the subscription to the current Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Observable<T> toObservable()
into an Observable
instance composing disposal
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Single<T> toSingle()
into a Single
instance composing disposal
through and turning an empty Maybe
into a signal of NoSuchElementException
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> onErrorComplete()
instance that if this Maybe
emits an error, it will emit an onComplete
and swallow the throwable.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> onErrorComplete(@NonNull Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)
instance that if this Maybe
emits an error and the predicate returns
, it will emit an onComplete
and swallow the throwable.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the predicate to call when an Throwable
is emitted which should return true
if the Throwable
should be swallowed and replaced with an onComplete
- if predicate
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> onErrorResumeWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
when the current Maybe
fails instead of
signaling the error via onError
You can use this to prevent errors from propagating or to supply fallback data should errors be encountered.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the next MaybeSource
that will take over if the current Maybe
an errorMaybe
- if fallback
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> onErrorResumeNext(@NonNull Function<? super Throwable,? extends MaybeSource<? extends T>> fallbackSupplier)
returned for the failure Throwable
of the current Maybe
by a
function instead of signaling the error via onError
You can use this to prevent errors from propagating or to supply fallback data should errors be encountered.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that returns a MaybeSource
that will take over if the current Maybe
an errorMaybe
- if fallbackSupplier
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> onErrorReturn(@NonNull Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> itemSupplier)
error signaled by the current
instead of signaling the error via onError
You can use this to prevent errors from propagating or to supply fallback data should errors be encountered.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that returns a single value that will be emitted as success value
the current Maybe
signals an onError
- if itemSupplier
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> onErrorReturnItem(@NonNull T item)
fails instead of signaling the error via onError
You can use this to prevent errors from propagating or to supply fallback data should errors be encountered.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value that is emitted as onSuccess
in case the current Maybe
signals an onError
- if item
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> onTerminateDetach()
the sequence is terminated or downstream calls dispose()
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
the sequence is terminated or downstream calls dispose()
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Flowable<T> repeat()
that repeats the sequence of items emitted by the current Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Flowable<T> repeat(long times)
that repeats the sequence of items emitted by the current Maybe
at most
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the number of times the current Maybe
items are repeated, a count of 0 will yield an empty
- if times
is negative@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Flowable<T> repeatUntil(@NonNull BooleanSupplier stop)
that repeats the sequence of items emitted by the current Maybe
the provided stop function returns true
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a boolean supplier that is called when the current Flowable
completes and unless it returns
, the current Flowable
is resubscribedFlowable
- if stop
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Flowable<T> repeatWhen(@NonNull Function<? super Flowable<Object>,? extends Publisher<?>> handler)
that emits the same values as the current Maybe
with the exception of an
. An onComplete
notification from the source will result in the emission of
a void
item to the Flowable
provided as an argument to the notificationHandler
function. If that Publisher
calls onComplete
or onError
then repeatWhen
call onComplete
or onError
on the child observer. Otherwise, this operator will
resubscribe to the current Maybe
to honor backpressure as well.
If this expectation is violated, the operator may throw an IllegalStateException
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- receives a Publisher
of notifications with which a user can complete or error, aborting the repeat.Flowable
- if handler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> retry()
that mirrors the current Maybe
, resubscribing to it if it calls onError
(infinite retry count).
If the current Maybe
calls MaybeObserver.onError(java.lang.Throwable)
, this operator will resubscribe to the current
rather than propagating the onError
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> retry(@NonNull BiPredicate<? super Integer,? super Throwable> predicate)
that mirrors the current Maybe
, resubscribing to it if it calls onError
and the predicate returns true
for that specific exception and retry count.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the predicate that determines if a resubscription may happen in case of a specific exception
and retry countMaybe
- if predicate
is null
ReactiveX operators documentation: Retry@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> retry(long times)
that mirrors the current Maybe
, resubscribing to it if it calls onError
up to a specified number of retries.
If the current Maybe
calls MaybeObserver.onError(java.lang.Throwable)
, this operator will resubscribe to the current
for a maximum of count
resubscriptions rather than propagating the
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the number of times to resubscribe if the current Maybe
- if times
is negative@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> retry(long times, @NonNull Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)
or until the predicate returns false
, whichever happens first.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the number of times to resubscribe if the current Maybe
- the predicate called with the failure Throwable
and should return true
to trigger a retry.Maybe
- if predicate
is null
- if times
is negative@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> retry(@NonNull Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)
if it fails and the predicate returns true
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the predicate that receives the failure Throwable
and should return true
to trigger a retry.Maybe
- if predicate
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> retryUntil(@NonNull BooleanSupplier stop)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the function that should return true
to stop retryingMaybe
- if stop
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> retryWhen(@NonNull Function<? super Flowable<Throwable>,? extends Publisher<?>> handler)
that emits the same values as the current Maybe
with the exception of an
. An onError
notification from the source will result in the emission of a
item to the Flowable
provided as an argument to the notificationHandler
function. If the returned Publisher
calls onComplete
or onError
then retry
will call
or onError
on the child subscription. Otherwise, this operator will
resubscribe to the current Maybe
Example: This retries 3 times, each time incrementing the number of seconds it waits.
Maybe.create((MaybeEmitter<? super String> s) -> {
s.onError(new RuntimeException("always fails"));
}, BackpressureStrategy.BUFFER).retryWhen(attempts -> {
return attempts.zipWith(Publisher.range(1, 3), (n, i) -> i).flatMap(i -> {
System.out.println("delay retry by " + i + " second(s)");
return Flowable.timer(i, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Output is:
delay retry by 1 second(s)
delay retry by 2 second(s)
delay retry by 3 second(s)
Note that the inner Publisher
returned by the handler function should signal
either onNext
, onError
or onComplete
in response to the received
to indicate the operator should retry or terminate. If the upstream to
the operator is asynchronous, signalling onNext
followed by onComplete
immediately may
result in the sequence to be completed immediately. Similarly, if this inner
signals onError
or onComplete
while the upstream is
active, the sequence is terminated with the same signal immediately.
The following example demonstrates how to retry an asynchronous source with a delay:
Maybe.timer(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.doOnSubscribe(s -> System.out.println("subscribing"))
.map(v -> { throw new RuntimeException(); })
.retryWhen(errors -> {
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
return errors
.takeWhile(e -> counter.getAndIncrement() != 3)
.flatMap(e -> {
System.out.println("delay retry by " + counter.get() + " second(s)");
return Flowable.timer(counter.get(), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- receives a Publisher
of notifications with which a user can complete or error, aborting the
- if handler
is null
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final void safeSubscribe(@NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer)
, catches any RuntimeException
s thrown by its
, MaybeObserver.onSuccess(Object)
or MaybeObserver.onComplete()
and routes those to the global error handler via RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
By default, the Maybe
protocol forbids the onXXX
methods to throw, but some
implementation may do it anyway, causing undefined behavior in the
upstream. This method and the underlying safe wrapper ensures such misbehaving consumers don't
disrupt the protocol.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the potentially misbehaving MaybeObserver
- if observer
is null
subscribe(Consumer,Consumer, Action)
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) public final @NonNull Flowable<T> startWith(@NonNull CompletableSource other)
which first runs the other CompletableSource
then the current Maybe
if the other completed normally.
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.startWith
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the other CompletableSource
to run firstFlowable
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) public final @NonNull Flowable<T> startWith(@NonNull SingleSource<T> other)
which first runs the other SingleSource
then the current Maybe
if the other succeeded normally.
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.startWith
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the other SingleSource
to run firstFlowable
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) public final @NonNull Flowable<T> startWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<T> other)
which first runs the other MaybeSource
then the current Maybe
if the other succeeded or completed normally.
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.startWith
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the other MaybeSource
to run firstFlowable
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Observable<T> startWith(@NonNull ObservableSource<T> other)
which first delivers the events
of the other ObservableSource
then runs the current Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the other ObservableSource
to run firstObservable
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Flowable<T> startWith(@NonNull Publisher<T> other)
which first delivers the events
of the other Publisher
then runs the current Maybe
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer
and expects the other Publisher
to honor it as well.startWith
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the other Publisher
to run firstFlowable
- if other
is null
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Disposable subscribe()
and ignores onSuccess
and onComplete
If the Maybe
emits an error, it is wrapped into an
and routed to the RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance that can be used for disposing the subscription at any timesubscribe(Consumer, Consumer, Action, DisposableContainer)
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Disposable subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
and provides a callback to handle the items it emits.
If the Maybe
emits an error, it is wrapped into an
and routed to the RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Consumer<T>
you have designed to accept a success value from the Maybe
instance that can be used for disposing the subscription at any timeNullPointerException
- if onSuccess
is null
subscribe(Consumer, Consumer, Action, DisposableContainer)
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Disposable subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess, @NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
and provides callbacks to handle the items it emits and any error
notification it issues.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Consumer<T>
you have designed to accept a success value from the Maybe
- the Consumer<Throwable>
you have designed to accept any error notification from the
instance that can be used for disposing the subscription at any timeNullPointerException
- if onSuccess
is null
, or
if onError
is null
subscribe(Consumer, Consumer, Action, DisposableContainer)
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Disposable subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess, @NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @NonNull Action onComplete)
and provides callbacks to handle the items it emits and any error or
completion notification it issues.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Consumer<T>
you have designed to accept a success value from the Maybe
- the Consumer<Throwable>
you have designed to accept any error notification from the
- the Action
you have designed to accept a completion notification from the
instance that can be used for disposing the subscription at any timeNullPointerException
- if onSuccess
, onError
is null
subscribe(Consumer, Consumer, Action, DisposableContainer)
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull Disposable subscribe(@NonNull Consumer<? super T> onSuccess, @NonNull Consumer<? super Throwable> onError, @NonNull Action onComplete, @NonNull DisposableContainer container)
adds it to the given DisposableContainer
and ensures, that if the upstream
terminates or this particular Disposable
is disposed, the MaybeObserver
is removed
from the given composite.
The MaybeObserver
will be removed after the callback for the terminal event has been invoked.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the callback for upstream itemsonError
- the callback for an upstream erroronComplete
- the callback for an upstream completion without any value or errorcontainer
- the DisposableContainer
(such as CompositeDisposable
) to add and remove the
created Disposable
that allows disposing the particular subscription.NullPointerException
- if onSuccess
, onError
or container
is null
@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final void subscribe(@NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer)
to this MaybeSource
in interface MaybeSource<T>
- the MaybeObserver
, not null
protected abstract void subscribeActual(@NonNull MaybeObserver<? super T> observer)
There is no need to call any of the plugin hooks on the current Maybe
instance or
the MaybeObserver
; all hooks and basic safeguards have been
applied by subscribe(MaybeObserver)
before this method gets called.
- the MaybeObserver
to handle, not null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> subscribeOn(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
on the specified Scheduler
this operator will use.scheduler
- the Scheduler
to perform subscription actions onMaybe
- if scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final <E extends MaybeObserver<? super T>> E subscribeWith(E observer)
(subclass) to this Maybe
and returns the given
as is.
Usage example:
Maybe<Integer> source = Maybe.just(1);
CompositeDisposable composite = new CompositeDisposable();
DisposableMaybeObserver<Integer> ds = new DisposableMaybeObserver<>() {
// ...
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of the MaybeObserver
to use and returnobserver
- the MaybeObserver
(subclass) to use and return, not null
- if observer
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> switchIfEmpty(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> other)
that emits the items emitted by the current Maybe
or the items of an alternate
if the current Maybe
is empty.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the alternate MaybeSource
to subscribe to if the main does not emit any itemsMaybe
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final @NonNull Single<T> switchIfEmpty(@NonNull SingleSource<? extends T> other)
that emits the items emitted by the current Maybe
or the item of an alternate
if the current Maybe
is empty.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.History: 2.1.4 - experimental
- the alternate SingleSource
to subscribe to if the main does not emit any itemsSingle
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<T> takeUntil(@NonNull MaybeSource<U> other)
that emits the items emitted by the current Maybe
until a second MaybeSource
emits an item.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items emitted by other
- the MaybeSource
whose first emitted item will cause takeUntil
to stop emitting items
from the current Maybe
- if other
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=UNBOUNDED_IN) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<T> takeUntil(@NonNull Publisher<U> other)
that emits the item emitted by the current Maybe
until a second Publisher
emits an item.
is consumed in an unbounded fashion and is cancelled after the first item
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items emitted by other
- the Publisher
whose first emitted item will cause takeUntil
to stop emitting items
from the source Publisher
- if other
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final @NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> timeInterval()
and signals it as a tuple (Timed
success value.
If the current Maybe
is empty or fails, the resulting Maybe
pass along the signals to the downstream. To measure the time to termination,
use materialize()
and apply Single.timeInterval()
uses the computation
for determining the current time upon subscription and upon receiving the
success item from the current Maybe
instance@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> timeInterval(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
and signals it as a tuple (Timed
success value.
If the current Maybe
is empty or fails, the resulting Maybe
pass along the signals to the downstream. To measure the time to termination,
use materialize()
and apply Single.timeInterval(Scheduler)
uses the provided Scheduler
for determining the current time upon subscription and upon receiving the
success item from the current Maybe
- the Scheduler
used for providing the current timeMaybe
- if scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final @NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> timeInterval(@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
and signals it as a tuple (Timed
success value.
If the current Maybe
is empty or fails, the resulting Maybe
pass along the signals to the downstream. To measure the time to termination,
use materialize()
and apply Single.timeInterval(TimeUnit)
uses the computation
for determining the current time upon subscription and upon receiving the
success item from the current Maybe
- the time unit for measurementMaybe
- if unit
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> timeInterval(@NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
and signals it as a tuple (Timed
success value.
If the current Maybe
is empty or fails, the resulting Maybe
pass along the signals to the downstream. To measure the time to termination,
use materialize()
and apply Single.timeInterval(TimeUnit, Scheduler)
uses the provided Scheduler
for determining the current time upon subscription and upon receiving the
success item from the current Maybe
- the time unit for measurementscheduler
- the Scheduler
used for providing the current timeMaybe
- if unit
or scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final @NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> timestamp()
with the current time (in milliseconds) of
its reception, using the computation
as time source,
then signals them as a Timed
If the current Maybe
is empty or fails, the resulting Maybe
pass along the signals to the downstream. To measure the time to termination,
use materialize()
and apply Single.timestamp()
uses the computation
for determining the current time upon receiving the
success item from the current Maybe
instance@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> timestamp(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
with the current time (in milliseconds) of
its reception, using the given Scheduler
as time source,
then signals them as a Timed
If the current Maybe
is empty or fails, the resulting Maybe
pass along the signals to the downstream. To measure the time to termination,
use materialize()
and apply Single.timestamp(Scheduler)
uses the provided Scheduler
for determining the current time upon receiving the
success item from the current Maybe
- the Scheduler
used for providing the current timeMaybe
- if scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final @NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> timestamp(@NonNull TimeUnit unit)
with the current time of
its reception, using the computation
as time source,
then signals it as a Timed
If the current Maybe
is empty or fails, the resulting Maybe
pass along the signals to the downstream. To measure the time to termination,
use materialize()
and apply Single.timestamp(TimeUnit)
uses the computation
for determining the current time upon receiving the
success item from the current Maybe
- the time unit for measurementMaybe
- if unit
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<Timed<T>> timestamp(@NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
with the current time of
its reception, using the given Scheduler
as time source,
then signals it as a Timed
If the current Maybe
is empty or fails, the resulting Maybe
pass along the signals to the downstream. To measure the time to termination,
use materialize()
and apply Single.timestamp(TimeUnit, Scheduler)
uses the provided Scheduler
which is used for determining the current time upon receiving the
success item from the current Maybe
- the time unit for measurementscheduler
- the Scheduler
used for providing the current timeMaybe
- if unit
or scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> timeout(long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit)
that mirrors the current Maybe
but applies a timeout policy for each emitted
item. If the next item isn't emitted within the specified timeout duration starting from its predecessor,
the resulting Maybe
terminates and notifies MaybeObserver
s of a TimeoutException
operates by default on the computation
- maximum duration between emitted items before a timeout occursunit
- the unit of time that applies to the timeout
- if unit
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> timeout(long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
that mirrors the current Maybe
but applies a timeout policy for each emitted
item. If the next item isn't emitted within the specified timeout duration starting from its predecessor,
the current Maybe
is disposed and resulting Maybe
begins instead to mirror a fallback MaybeSource
operates by default on the computation
- maximum duration between items before a timeout occursunit
- the unit of time that applies to the timeout
- the fallback MaybeSource
to use in case of a timeoutMaybe
- if unit
or fallback
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> timeout(long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
that mirrors the current Maybe
but applies a timeout policy for each emitted
item using a specified Scheduler
. If the next item isn't emitted within the specified timeout duration
starting from its predecessor, the current Maybe
is disposed and resulting Maybe
begins instead
to mirror a fallback MaybeSource
this operator will use.timeout
- maximum duration between items before a timeout occursunit
- the unit of time that applies to the timeout
- the MaybeSource
to use as the fallback in case of a timeoutscheduler
- the Scheduler
to run the timeout timers onMaybe
- if fallback
, unit
or scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") @NonNull public final @NonNull Maybe<T> timeout(long timeout, @NonNull TimeUnit unit, @NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
that mirrors the current Maybe
but applies a timeout policy for each emitted
item, where this policy is governed on a specified Scheduler
. If the next item isn't emitted within the
specified timeout duration starting from its predecessor, the resulting Maybe
terminates and
notifies MaybeObserver
s of a TimeoutException
this operator will use.timeout
- maximum duration between items before a timeout occursunit
- the unit of time that applies to the timeout
- the Scheduler
to run the timeout timers onMaybe
- if unit
or scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<T> timeout(@NonNull MaybeSource<U> timeoutIndicator)
didn't signal an event before the timeoutIndicator
signals, a
is signaled instead.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of thetimeoutIndicator
- the MaybeSource
that indicates the timeout by signaling onSuccess
or onComplete
- if timeoutIndicator
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<T> timeout(@NonNull MaybeSource<U> timeoutIndicator, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
didn't signal an event before the timeoutIndicator
the current Maybe
is disposed and the fallback
subscribed to
as a continuation.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of thetimeoutIndicator
- the MaybeSource
that indicates the timeout by signaling onSuccess
or onComplete
- the MaybeSource
that is subscribed to if the current Maybe
times outMaybe
- if timeoutIndicator
or fallback
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=UNBOUNDED_IN) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<T> timeout(@NonNull Publisher<U> timeoutIndicator)
source didn't signal an event before the timeoutIndicator
signals, a
is signaled instead.
is consumed in an unbounded manner and
is cancelled after its first item.timeout
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of thetimeoutIndicator
- the Publisher
that indicates the timeout by signaling onSuccess
or onComplete
- if timeoutIndicator
is null
@BackpressureSupport(value=UNBOUNDED_IN) @CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> @NonNull Maybe<T> timeout(@NonNull Publisher<U> timeoutIndicator, @NonNull MaybeSource<? extends T> fallback)
didn't signal an event before the timeoutIndicator
the current Maybe
is disposed and the fallback
subscribed to
as a continuation.
is consumed in an unbounded manner and
is cancelled after its first item.timeout
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of thetimeoutIndicator
- the MaybeSource
that indicates the timeout by signaling onSuccess
or onComplete
- the MaybeSource
that is subscribed to if the current Maybe
times outMaybe
- if timeoutIndicator
or fallback
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final @NonNull Maybe<T> unsubscribeOn(@NonNull Scheduler scheduler)
which makes sure when a MaybeObserver
disposes the Disposable
that call is propagated up on the specified Scheduler
calls dispose()
of the upstream on the Scheduler
you specify.scheduler
- the target scheduler where to execute the disposalMaybe
- if scheduler
is null
@CheckReturnValue @NonNull @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U,R> @NonNull Maybe<R> zipWith(@NonNull MaybeSource<? extends U> other, @NonNull BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> zipper)
signal a success value then applies the given BiFunction
to those values and emits the BiFunction
's resulting value to downstream.
If either this or the other MaybeSource
is empty or signals an error, the resulting Maybe
terminate immediately and dispose the other source.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items emitted by the other
- the type of items emitted by the resulting Maybe
- the other MaybeSource
- a function that combines the pairs of items from the two MaybeSource
s to generate the items to
be emitted by the resulting Maybe
- if other
or zipper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull TestObserver<T> test()
and subscribes
it to this Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull TestObserver<T> test(boolean dispose)
optionally in cancelled state, then subscribes it to this Maybe
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- if true
, the TestObserver
will be disposed before subscribing to this
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromOptional(@NonNull Optional<T> optional)
or an empty optional into an empty()
Note that the operator takes an already instantiated optional reference and does not
by any means create this original optional. If the optional is to be created per
consumer upon subscription, use defer(Supplier)
around fromOptional
Maybe.defer(() -> Maybe.fromOptional(createOptional()));
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the optional valueoptional
- the optional value to convert into a Maybe
- if optional
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull Maybe<T> fromCompletionStage(@NonNull CompletionStage<T> stage)
-based asynchronous calculation.
Note that the operator takes an already instantiated, running or terminated CompletionStage
If the CompletionStage
is to be created per consumer upon subscription, use defer(Supplier)
around fromCompletionStage
Maybe.defer(() -> Maybe.fromCompletionStage(createCompletionStage()));
If the CompletionStage
completes with null
, the resulting Maybe
is completed via onComplete
Canceling the flow can't cancel the execution of the CompletionStage
because CompletionStage
itself doesn't support cancellation. Instead, the operator detaches from the CompletionStage
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the CompletionStage
- the CompletionStage
to convert to Maybe
and signal its terminal value or errorMaybe
- if stage
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final <R> @NonNull Maybe<R> mapOptional(@NonNull Function<? super T,Optional<? extends R>> mapper)
and emits the contained item if not empty.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the non-null
output typemapper
- the function that receives the upstream success item and should return a non-empty Optional
to emit as the success output or an empty Optional
to complete the Maybe
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull CompletionStage<T> toCompletionStage()
if the upstream is empty) via
a CompletionStage
The upstream can be canceled by converting the resulting CompletionStage
via CompletionStage.toCompletableFuture()
calling CompletableFuture.cancel(boolean)
on it.
The upstream will be also cancelled if the resulting CompletionStage
is converted to and
completed manually by CompletableFuture.complete(Object)
or CompletableFuture.completeExceptionally(Throwable)
s don't have a notion of emptiness and allow null
s, therefore, one can either use
with null
or turn the upstream into a sequence of Optional
s and
default to Optional.empty()
CompletionStage<Optional<T>> stage = source.map(Optional::of).toCompletionStage(Optional.empty());
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final @NonNull CompletionStage<T> toCompletionStage(@Nullable T defaultItem)
The upstream can be canceled by converting the resulting CompletionStage
via CompletionStage.toCompletableFuture()
calling CompletableFuture.cancel(boolean)
on it.
The upstream will be also cancelled if the resulting CompletionStage
is converted to and
completed manually by CompletableFuture.complete(Object)
or CompletableFuture.completeExceptionally(Throwable)
s don't have a notion of emptiness and allow null
s, therefore, one can either use
a defaultItem
of null
or turn the flow into a sequence of Optional
s and default to Optional.empty()
CompletionStage<Optional<T>> stage = source.map(Optional::of).toCompletionStage(Optional.empty());
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the item to signal if the upstream is emptyCompletionStage
instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @NonNull public final <R> @NonNull Flowable<R> flattenStreamAsFlowable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper)
and emits its
items to the downstream consumer as a Flowable
The operator closes the Stream
upon cancellation and when it terminates. The exceptions raised when
closing a Stream
are routed to the global error handler (RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
If a Stream
should not be closed, turn it into an Iterable
and use flattenAsFlowable(Function)
source.flattenAsFlowable(item -> createStream(item)::iterator);
Primitive streams are not supported and items have to be boxed manually (e.g., via IntStream.boxed()
source.flattenStreamAsFlowable(item -> IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).boxed());
does not support concurrent usage so creating and/or consuming the same instance multiple times
from multiple threads can lead to undefined behavior.
on demand (i.e., when requested).flattenStreamAsFlowable
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the Stream
and the output Flowable
- the function that receives the upstream success item and should
return a Stream
of values to emit.Flowable
- if mapper
is null
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @NonNull public final <R> @NonNull Observable<R> flattenStreamAsObservable(@NonNull Function<? super T,? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper)
and emits its
items to the downstream consumer as an Observable
The operator closes the Stream
upon cancellation and when it terminates. The exceptions raised when
closing a Stream
are routed to the global error handler (RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable)
If a Stream
should not be closed, turn it into an Iterable
and use flattenAsObservable(Function)
source.flattenAsObservable(item -> createStream(item)::iterator);
Primitive streams are not supported and items have to be boxed manually (e.g., via IntStream.boxed()
source.flattenStreamAsObservable(item -> IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 10).boxed());
does not support concurrent usage so creating and/or consuming the same instance multiple times
from multiple threads can lead to undefined behavior.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the Stream
and the output Observable
- the function that receives the upstream success item and should
return a Stream
of values to emit.Observable
- if mapper
is null