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"use strict";
var Rx = require('../../dist/package/Rx');
var Observable = Rx.Observable;
/** @test {window} */
describe('Observable.prototype.window', function () {
    asDiagram('window')('should emit windows that close and reopen', function () {
        var source = hot('---a---b---c---d---e---f---g---h---i---|    ');
        var sourceSubs = '^                                      !    ';
        var closings = hot('-------------w------------w----------------|');
        var closingSubs = '^                                      !    ';
        var expected = 'x------------y------------z------------|    ';
        var x = cold('---a---b---c-|                              ');
        var y = cold('--d---e---f--|                 ');
        var z = cold('-g---h---i---|    ');
        var expectedValues = { x: x, y: y, z: z };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should return a single empty window if source is empty and closings are basic', function () {
        var source = cold('|');
        var sourceSubs = '(^!)';
        var closings = cold('--x--x--|');
        var closingSubs = '(^!)';
        var expected = '(w|)';
        var w = cold('|');
        var expectedValues = { w: w };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should return a single empty window if source is empty and closing is empty', function () {
        var source = cold('|');
        var sourceSubs = '(^!)';
        var closings = cold('|');
        var closingSubs = '(^!)';
        var expected = '(w|)';
        var w = cold('|');
        var expectedValues = { w: w };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should return a single empty window if source is sync empty and closing is sync empty', function () {
        var source = cold('(|)');
        var sourceSubs = '(^!)';
        var expected = '(w|)';
        var w = cold('|');
        var expectedValues = { w: w };
        var result = source.window(Observable.empty());
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
        // expectSubscriptions(closings.subscriptions).toBe(closingSubs);
    it('should split a Just source into a single window identical to source, using a Never closing', function () {
        var source = cold('(a|)');
        var sourceSubs = '(^!)';
        var closings = cold('-');
        var closingSubs = '(^!)';
        var expected = '(w|)';
        var w = cold('(a|)');
        var expectedValues = { w: w };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should return a single Never window if source is Never', function () {
        var source = cold('------');
        var sourceSubs = '^     ';
        var closings = cold('------');
        var closingSubs = '^     ';
        var expected = 'w-----';
        var w = cold('------');
        var expectedValues = { w: w };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should be able to split a never Observable into timely empty windows', function () {
        var source = hot('^--------');
        var sourceSubs = '^       !';
        var closings = cold('--x--x--|');
        var closingSubs = '^       !';
        var expected = 'a-b--c--|';
        var a = cold('--|      ');
        var b = cold('---|   ');
        var c = cold('---|');
        var expectedValues = { a: a, b: b, c: c };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should emit an error-only window if outer is a simple throw-Observable', function () {
        var source = cold('#');
        var sourceSubs = '(^!)';
        var closings = cold('--x--x--|');
        var closingSubs = '(^!)';
        var expected = '(w#)';
        var w = cold('#');
        var expectedValues = { w: w };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should handle basic case with window closings', function () {
        var source = hot('-1-2-^3-4-5-6-7-8-9-|         ');
        var subs = '^              !         ';
        var closings = hot('---^---x---x---x---x---x---|');
        var closingSubs = '^              !         ';
        var expected = 'a---b---c---d--|         ';
        var a = cold('-3-4|                    ');
        var b = cold('-5-6|                ');
        var c = cold('-7-8|            ');
        var d = cold('-9-|         ');
        var expectedValues = { a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should handle basic case with window closings, but outer throws', function () {
        var source = hot('-1-2-^3-4-5-6-7-8-9-#         ');
        var subs = '^              !         ';
        var closings = hot('---^---x---x---x---x---x---|');
        var closingSubs = '^              !         ';
        var expected = 'a---b---c---d--#         ';
        var a = cold('-3-4|                    ');
        var b = cold('-5-6|                ');
        var c = cold('-7-8|            ');
        var d = cold('-9-#         ');
        var expectedValues = { a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should stop emitting windows when outer is unsubscribed early', function () {
        var source = hot('-1-2-^3-4-5-6-7-8-9-|         ');
        var subs = '^       !                ';
        var closings = hot('---^---x---x---x---x---x---|');
        var closingSubs = '^       !                ';
        var expected = 'a---b----                ';
        var a = cold('-3-4|                    ');
        var b = cold('-5-6                 ');
        var unsub = '        !                ';
        var expectedValues = { a: a, b: b };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result, unsub).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should not break unsubscription chains when result is unsubscribed explicitly', function () {
        var source = hot('-1-2-^3-4-5-6-7-8-9-|         ');
        var subs = '^       !                ';
        var closings = hot('---^---x---x---x---x---x---|');
        var closingSubs = '^       !                ';
        var expected = 'a---b----                ';
        var a = cold('-3-4|                    ');
        var b = cold('-5-6-                ');
        var unsub = '        !                ';
        var expectedValues = { a: a, b: b };
        var result = source
            .mergeMap(function (x) { return Observable.of(x); })
            .mergeMap(function (x) { return Observable.of(x); });
        expectObservable(result, unsub).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should make outer emit error when closing throws', function () {
        var source = hot('-1-2-^3-4-5-6-7-8-9-#');
        var subs = '^   !           ';
        var closings = hot('---^---#           ');
        var closingSubs = '^   !           ';
        var expected = 'a---#           ';
        var a = cold('-3-4#           ');
        var expectedValues = { a: a };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
    it('should complete the resulting Observable when window closings completes', function () {
        var source = hot('-1-2-^3-4-5-6-7-8-9-|');
        var subs = '^           !   ';
        var closings = hot('---^---x---x---|   ');
        var closingSubs = '^           !   ';
        var expected = 'a---b---c---|   ';
        var a = cold('-3-4|           ');
        var b = cold('-5-6|       ');
        var c = cold('-7-8|   ');
        var expectedValues = { a: a, b: b, c: c };
        var result = source.window(closings);
        expectObservable(result).toBe(expected, expectedValues);
//# sourceMappingURL=window-spec.js.map