
RxScala brings Reactive Extensions to Scala. Rx was first implemented for .NET, and is now also available in Java. The RxScala project is an adaptor for RxJava. Its code is in a seperate repository and it’s also distributed on Maven Central.

Get started by looking at RxScalaDemo.scala, the RxScala examples, or the Scaladoc.

There’s also a comparison table between Java Observable and Scala Observable.


This library is not yet finished. You have to expect breaking changes in future versions.


Binaries and dependency information for Maven, Ivy, Gradle and others can be found at http://search.maven.org.

Example for sbt/activator:

libraryDependencies += "io.reactivex" %% "rxscala" % "x.y.z"

and for Maven:


and for Ivy:

<dependency org="io.reactivex" name="rxscala_${scala.compat.version}" rev="x.y.z" />


Just use the same communication channels as for RxJava: