- the type of the item emitted by the Singlepublic abstract class Single<T> extends java.lang.Object implements SingleSource<T>
or Observable
for the
implementation of the Reactive Pattern for a stream or vector of values.
behaves the same as Observable
except that it can only emit either a single successful
value, or an error (there is no "onComplete" notification as there is for Observable
Like an Observable
, a Single
is lazy, can be either "hot" or "cold", synchronous or
The documentation for this class makes use of marble diagrams. The following legend explains these diagrams:
For more information see the ReactiveX documentation.
Constructor and Description |
Single() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> Single<T> |
amb(java.lang.Iterable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
Runs multiple Single sources and signals the events of the first one that signals (cancelling
the rest).
static <T> Single<T> |
ambArray(SingleSource<? extends T>... sources)
Runs multiple Single sources and signals the events of the first one that signals (cancelling
the rest).
Single<T> |
ambWith(SingleSource<? extends T> other)
Signals the event of this or the other SingleSource whichever signals first.
T |
Waits in a blocking fashion until the current Single signals a success value (which is returned) or
an exception (which is propagated).
Single<T> |
Stores the success value or exception from the current Single and replays it to late SingleObservers.
<U> Single<U> |
cast(java.lang.Class<? extends U> clazz)
Casts the success value of the current Single into the target type or signals a
ClassCastException if not compatible.
<R> Single<R> |
compose(SingleTransformer<? super T,? extends R> transformer)
Transform a Single by applying a particular Transformer function to it.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
concat(java.lang.Iterable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the Single sources provided by
an Iterable sequence.
static <T> Observable<T> |
concat(ObservableSource<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the Single sources provided by
an Observable sequence.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
concat(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the Single sources provided by
a Publisher sequence.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
concat(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources,
int prefetch)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the Single sources provided by
a Publisher sequence and prefetched by the specified amount.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
concat(SingleSource<? extends T> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T> source2)
Returns a Flowable that emits the items emitted by two Singles, one after the other.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
concat(SingleSource<? extends T> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T> source3)
Returns a Flowable that emits the items emitted by three Singles, one after the other.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
concat(SingleSource<? extends T> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T> source3,
SingleSource<? extends T> source4)
Returns a Flowable that emits the items emitted by four Singles, one after the other.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
concatArray(SingleSource<? extends T>... sources)
Concatenate the single values, in a non-overlapping fashion, of the Single sources provided in
an array.
Flowable<T> |
concatWith(SingleSource<? extends T> other)
Returns a Flowable that emits the item emitted by the source Single, then the item emitted by the
specified Single.
Single<java.lang.Boolean> |
contains(java.lang.Object value)
Signals true if the current Single signals a success value that is Object-equals with the value
Single<java.lang.Boolean> |
contains(java.lang.Object value,
BiPredicate<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> comparer)
Signals true if the current Single signals a success value that is equal with
the value provided by calling a bi-predicate.
static <T> Single<T> |
create(SingleOnSubscribe<T> source)
Provides an API (via a cold Completable) that bridges the reactive world with the callback-style world.
static <T> Single<T> |
defer(java.util.concurrent.Callable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> singleSupplier)
Calls a Callable for each individual SingleObserver to return the actual Single source to
be subscribed to.
Single<T> |
delay(long time,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
Delays the emission of the success or error signal from the current Single by
the specified amount.
Single<T> |
delay(long time,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
Scheduler scheduler)
Delays the emission of the success or error signal from the current Single by
the specified amount.
Single<T> |
delaySubscription(CompletableSource other)
Delays the actual subscription to the current Single until the given other CompletableSource
<U> Single<T> |
delaySubscription(long time,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
Delays the actual subscription to the current Single until the given time delay elapsed.
<U> Single<T> |
delaySubscription(long time,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
Scheduler scheduler)
Delays the actual subscription to the current Single until the given time delay elapsed.
<U> Single<T> |
delaySubscription(ObservableSource<U> other)
Delays the actual subscription to the current Single until the given other ObservableSource
signals its first value or completes.
<U> Single<T> |
delaySubscription(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<U> other)
Delays the actual subscription to the current Single until the given other Publisher
signals its first value or completes.
<U> Single<T> |
delaySubscription(SingleSource<U> other)
Delays the actual subscription to the current Single until the given other SingleSource
signals success.
Single<T> |
doAfterSuccess(Consumer<? super T> onAfterSuccess)
Calls the specified consumer with the success item after this item has been emitted to the downstream.
Single<T> |
doAfterTerminate(Action onAfterTerminate)
Registers an
Action to be called after this Single invokes either onSuccess or onError. |
Single<T> |
doFinally(Action onFinally)
Calls the specified action after this Single signals onSuccess or onError or gets disposed by
the downstream.
Single<T> |
doOnDispose(Action onDispose)
Calls the shared runnable if a SingleObserver subscribed to the current Single
disposes the common Disposable it received via onSubscribe.
Single<T> |
doOnError(Consumer<? super java.lang.Throwable> onError)
Calls the shared consumer with the error sent via onError for each
SingleObserver that subscribes to the current Single.
Single<T> |
doOnEvent(BiConsumer<? super T,? super java.lang.Throwable> onEvent)
Calls the shared consumer with the error sent via onError or the value
via onSuccess for each SingleObserver that subscribes to the current Single.
Single<T> |
doOnSubscribe(Consumer<? super Disposable> onSubscribe)
Calls the shared consumer with the Disposable sent through the onSubscribe for each
SingleObserver that subscribes to the current Single.
Single<T> |
doOnSuccess(Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
Calls the shared consumer with the success value sent via onSuccess for each
SingleObserver that subscribes to the current Single.
static <T> Single<java.lang.Boolean> |
equals(SingleSource<? extends T> first,
SingleSource<? extends T> second)
Compares two SingleSources and emits true if they emit the same value (compared via Object.equals).
static <T> Single<T> |
error(java.util.concurrent.Callable<? extends java.lang.Throwable> errorSupplier)
Signals a Throwable returned by the callback function for each individual SingleObserver.
static <T> Single<T> |
error(java.lang.Throwable exception)
Returns a Single that invokes a subscriber's
onError method when the
subscriber subscribes to it. |
Maybe<T> |
filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Filters the success item of the Single via a predicate function and emitting it if the predicate
returns true, completing otherwise.
<R> Single<R> |
flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends SingleSource<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns a Single that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the source Single,
where that function returns a SingleSource.
Completable |
flatMapCompletable(Function<? super T,? extends CompletableSource> mapper)
Returns a
Completable that completes based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
source Single , where that function returns a Completable . |
<R> Maybe<R> |
flatMapMaybe(Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns a Maybe that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the source Single,
where that function returns a MaybeSource.
<R> Observable<R> |
flatMapObservable(Function<? super T,? extends ObservableSource<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns an Observable that is based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the source Single,
where that function returns a SingleSource.
<R> Flowable<R> |
flatMapPublisher(Function<? super T,? extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends R>> mapper)
Returns a Flowable that emits items based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
source Single, where that function returns a Publisher.
<U> Flowable<U> |
flattenAsFlowable(Function<? super T,? extends java.lang.Iterable<? extends U>> mapper)
Returns a Flowable that merges each item emitted by the source Single with the values in an
Iterable corresponding to that item that is generated by a selector.
<U> Observable<U> |
flattenAsObservable(Function<? super T,? extends java.lang.Iterable<? extends U>> mapper)
Returns an Observable that maps a success value into an Iterable and emits its items.
static <T> Single<T> |
fromCallable(java.util.concurrent.Callable<? extends T> callable)
Returns a
Single that invokes passed function and emits its result for each new SingleObserver that subscribes. |
static <T> Single<T> |
fromFuture(java.util.concurrent.Future<? extends T> future)
Converts a
Future into a Single . |
static <T> Single<T> |
fromFuture(java.util.concurrent.Future<? extends T> future,
long timeout,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
Converts a
Future into a Single , with a timeout on the Future. |
static <T> Single<T> |
fromFuture(java.util.concurrent.Future<? extends T> future,
long timeout,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
Scheduler scheduler)
Converts a
Future into a Single , with a timeout on the Future. |
static <T> Single<T> |
fromFuture(java.util.concurrent.Future<? extends T> future,
Scheduler scheduler)
static <T> Single<T> |
fromObservable(ObservableSource<? extends T> observableSource)
Wraps a specific ObservableSource into a Single and signals its single element or error.
static <T> Single<T> |
fromPublisher(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends T> publisher)
Wraps a specific Publisher into a Single and signals its single element or error.
Single<T> |
Hides the identity of the current Single, including the Disposable that is sent
to the downstream via
onSubscribe() . |
static <T> Single<T> |
just(T item)
Returns a
Single that emits a specified item. |
<R> Single<R> |
lift(SingleOperator<? extends R,? super T> lift)
Lifts a function to the current Single and returns a new Single that when subscribed to will pass the
values of the current Single through the Operator function.
<R> Single<R> |
map(Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper)
Returns a Single that applies a specified function to the item emitted by the source Single and
emits the result of this function application.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
merge(java.lang.Iterable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
Merges an Iterable sequence of SingleSource instances into a single Flowable sequence,
running all SingleSources at once.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
merge(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
Merges a Flowable sequence of SingleSource instances into a single Flowable sequence,
running all SingleSources at once.
static <T> Single<T> |
merge(SingleSource<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> source)
Flattens a
Single that emits a Single into a single Single that emits the item
emitted by the nested Single , without any transformation. |
static <T> Flowable<T> |
merge(SingleSource<? extends T> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T> source2)
Flattens two Singles into a single Flowable, without any transformation.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
merge(SingleSource<? extends T> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T> source3)
Flattens three Singles into a single Flowable, without any transformation.
static <T> Flowable<T> |
merge(SingleSource<? extends T> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T> source3,
SingleSource<? extends T> source4)
Flattens four Singles into a single Flowable, without any transformation.
Flowable<T> |
mergeWith(SingleSource<? extends T> other)
Flattens this and another Single into a single Flowable, without any transformation.
static <T> Single<T> |
Returns a singleton instance of a never-signalling Single (only calls onSubscribe).
Single<T> |
observeOn(Scheduler scheduler)
Modifies a Single to emit its item (or notify of its error) on a specified
Scheduler ,
asynchronously. |
Single<T> |
onErrorResumeNext(Function<? super java.lang.Throwable,? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> resumeFunctionInCaseOfError)
Instructs a Single to pass control to another Single rather than invoking
SingleObserver.onError(Throwable) if it encounters an error. |
Single<T> |
onErrorResumeNext(Single<? extends T> resumeSingleInCaseOfError)
Instructs a Single to pass control to another Single rather than invoking
SingleObserver.onError(Throwable) if it encounters an error. |
Single<T> |
onErrorReturn(Function<java.lang.Throwable,? extends T> resumeFunction)
Instructs a Single to emit an item (returned by a specified function) rather than invoking
onError if it encounters an error. |
Single<T> |
onErrorReturnItem(T value)
Signals the specified value as success in case the current Single signals an error.
Flowable<T> |
Repeatedly re-subscribes to the current Single and emits each success value.
Flowable<T> |
repeat(long times)
Re-subscribes to the current Single at most the given number of times and emits each success value.
Flowable<T> |
repeatUntil(BooleanSupplier stop)
Re-subscribes to the current Single until the given BooleanSupplier returns true.
Flowable<T> |
repeatWhen(Function<? super Flowable<java.lang.Object>,? extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>> handler)
Re-subscribes to the current Single if
the Publisher returned by the handler function signals a value in response to a
value signalled through the Flowable the handle receives.
Single<T> |
Repeatedly re-subscribes to the current Single indefinitely if it fails with an onError.
Single<T> |
retry(BiPredicate<? super java.lang.Integer,? super java.lang.Throwable> predicate)
Re-subscribe to the current Single if the given predicate returns true when the Single fails
with an onError.
Single<T> |
retry(long times)
Repeatedly re-subscribe at most the specified times to the current Single
if it fails with an onError.
Single<T> |
retry(Predicate<? super java.lang.Throwable> predicate)
Re-subscribe to the current Single if the given predicate returns true when the Single fails
with an onError.
Single<T> |
retryWhen(Function<? super Flowable<java.lang.Throwable>,? extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>> handler)
Re-subscribes to the current Single if and when the Publisher returned by the handler
function signals a value.
Disposable |
Subscribes to a Single but ignore its emission or notification.
Disposable |
subscribe(BiConsumer<? super T,? super java.lang.Throwable> onCallback)
Subscribes to a Single and provides a composite callback to handle the item it emits
or any error notification it issues.
Disposable |
subscribe(Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
Subscribes to a Single and provides a callback to handle the item it emits.
Disposable |
subscribe(Consumer<? super T> onSuccess,
Consumer<? super java.lang.Throwable> onError)
Subscribes to a Single and provides callbacks to handle the item it emits or any error notification it
void |
subscribe(SingleObserver<? super T> subscriber)
Subscribes the given SingleObserver to this SingleSource instance.
protected abstract void |
subscribeActual(SingleObserver<? super T> observer)
Override this method in subclasses to handle the incoming SingleObservers.
Single<T> |
subscribeOn(Scheduler scheduler)
Asynchronously subscribes subscribers to this Single on the specified
Scheduler . |
<E extends SingleObserver<? super T>> |
subscribeWith(E observer)
Subscribes a given SingleObserver (subclass) to this Single and returns the given
SingleObserver as is.
Single<T> |
takeUntil(CompletableSource other)
Returns a Single that emits the item emitted by the source Single until a Completable terminates.
<E> Single<T> |
takeUntil(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<E> other)
Returns a Single that emits the item emitted by the source Single until a Publisher emits an item.
<E> Single<T> |
takeUntil(SingleSource<? extends E> other)
Returns a Single that emits the item emitted by the source Single until a second Single emits an item.
TestObserver<T> |
Creates a TestObserver and subscribes
it to this Single.
TestObserver<T> |
test(boolean cancelled)
Creates a TestObserver optionally in cancelled state, then subscribes it to this Single.
Single<T> |
timeout(long timeout,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
Signals a TimeoutException if the current Single doesn't signal a success value within the
specified timeout window.
Single<T> |
timeout(long timeout,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
Scheduler scheduler)
Signals a TimeoutException if the current Single doesn't signal a success value within the
specified timeout window.
Single<T> |
timeout(long timeout,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
Scheduler scheduler,
SingleSource<? extends T> other)
Runs the current Single and if it doesn't signal within the specified timeout window, it is
cancelled and the other SingleSource subscribed to.
Single<T> |
timeout(long timeout,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
SingleSource<? extends T> other)
Runs the current Single and if it doesn't signal within the specified timeout window, it is
cancelled and the other SingleSource subscribed to.
static Single<java.lang.Long> |
timer(long delay,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
Signals success with 0L value after the given delay for each SingleObserver.
static Single<java.lang.Long> |
timer(long delay,
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit,
Scheduler scheduler)
Signals success with 0L value after the given delay for each SingleObserver.
<R> R |
to(Function<? super Single<T>,R> convert)
Calls the specified converter function with the current Single instance
during assembly time and returns its result.
Completable |
Returns a
Completable that discards result of the Single
and calls onComplete when this source Single calls
onSuccess . |
Flowable<T> |
Converts this Single into a
Flowable . |
java.util.concurrent.Future<T> |
Returns a
Future representing the single value emitted by this Single . |
Maybe<T> |
Converts this Single into a
Maybe . |
Observable<T> |
Converts this Single into an
Observable . |
static <T> Single<T> |
unsafeCreate(SingleSource<T> onSubscribe)
Advanced use only: creates a Single instance without
any safeguards by using a callback that is called with a SingleObserver.
static <T,U> Single<T> |
using(java.util.concurrent.Callable<U> resourceSupplier,
Function<? super U,? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> singleFunction,
Consumer<? super U> disposer)
Allows using and disposing a resource while running a SingleSource instance generated from
that resource (similar to a try-with-resources).
static <T,U> Single<T> |
using(java.util.concurrent.Callable<U> resourceSupplier,
Function<? super U,? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> singleFunction,
Consumer<? super U> disposer,
boolean eager)
Allows using and disposing a resource while running a SingleSource instance generated from
that resource (similar to a try-with-resources).
static <T> Single<T> |
wrap(SingleSource<T> source)
Wraps a SingleSource instance into a new Single instance if not already a Single
static <T,R> Single<R> |
zip(java.lang.Iterable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources,
Function<? super java.lang.Object[],? extends R> zipper)
Waits until all SingleSource sources provided by the Iterable sequence signal a success
value and calls a zipper function with an array of these values to return a result
to be emitted to downstream.
static <T1,T2,R> Single<R> |
zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T2> source2,
BiFunction<? super T1,? super T2,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to two items emitted by
two other Singles.
static <T1,T2,T3,R> |
zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T2> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T3> source3,
Function3<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to three items emitted
by three other Singles.
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,R> |
zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T2> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T3> source3,
SingleSource<? extends T4> source4,
Function4<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to four items
emitted by four other Singles.
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,R> |
zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T2> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T3> source3,
SingleSource<? extends T4> source4,
SingleSource<? extends T5> source5,
Function5<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to five items
emitted by five other Singles.
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,R> |
zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T2> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T3> source3,
SingleSource<? extends T4> source4,
SingleSource<? extends T5> source5,
SingleSource<? extends T6> source6,
Function6<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to six items
emitted by six other Singles.
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,R> |
zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T2> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T3> source3,
SingleSource<? extends T4> source4,
SingleSource<? extends T5> source5,
SingleSource<? extends T6> source6,
SingleSource<? extends T7> source7,
Function7<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to seven items
emitted by seven other Singles.
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,R> |
zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T2> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T3> source3,
SingleSource<? extends T4> source4,
SingleSource<? extends T5> source5,
SingleSource<? extends T6> source6,
SingleSource<? extends T7> source7,
SingleSource<? extends T8> source8,
Function8<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to eight items
emitted by eight other Singles.
static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,R> |
zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1,
SingleSource<? extends T2> source2,
SingleSource<? extends T3> source3,
SingleSource<? extends T4> source4,
SingleSource<? extends T5> source5,
SingleSource<? extends T6> source6,
SingleSource<? extends T7> source7,
SingleSource<? extends T8> source8,
SingleSource<? extends T9> source9,
Function9<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the results of a specified combiner function applied to nine items
emitted by nine other Singles.
static <T,R> Single<R> |
zipArray(Function<? super java.lang.Object[],? extends R> zipper,
SingleSource<? extends T>... sources)
Waits until all SingleSource sources provided via an array signal a success
value and calls a zipper function with an array of these values to return a result
to be emitted to downstream.
<U,R> Single<R> |
zipWith(SingleSource<U> other,
BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> zipper)
Returns a Single that emits the result of applying a specified function to the pair of items emitted by
the source Single and another specified Single.
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> amb(java.lang.Iterable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the Iterable sequence of sources. A subscription to each source will
occur in the same order as in this Iterable.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> ambArray(SingleSource<? extends T>... sources)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the array of sources. A subscription to each source will
occur in the same order as in this array.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) public static <T> Flowable<T> concat(java.lang.Iterable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the Iterable sequence of SingleSource instances@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Observable<T> concat(ObservableSource<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the ObservableSource of SingleSource instances@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> concat(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer
and the sources Publisher
is expected to honor it as well.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the Publisher of SingleSource instances@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> concat(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources, int prefetch)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer
and the sources Publisher
is expected to honor it as well.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the Publisher of SingleSource instancesprefetch
- the number of SingleSources to prefetch from the Publisher@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> concat(SingleSource<? extends T> source1, SingleSource<? extends T> source2)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a Single to be concatenatedsource2
- a Single to be concatenated@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> concat(SingleSource<? extends T> source1, SingleSource<? extends T> source2, SingleSource<? extends T> source3)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a Single to be concatenatedsource2
- a Single to be concatenatedsource3
- a Single to be concatenated@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> concat(SingleSource<? extends T> source1, SingleSource<? extends T> source2, SingleSource<? extends T> source3, SingleSource<? extends T> source4)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a Single to be concatenatedsource2
- a Single to be concatenatedsource3
- a Single to be concatenatedsource4
- a Single to be concatenated@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> concatArray(SingleSource<? extends T>... sources)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concatArray
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesources
- the array of SingleSource instances@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> create(SingleOnSubscribe<T> source)
Single.<Event>create(emitter -> {
Callback listener = new Callback() {
public void onEvent(Event e) {
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
AutoCloseable c = api.someMethod(listener);
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesource
- the emitter that is called when a SingleObserver subscribes to the returned Single
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> defer(java.util.concurrent.Callable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> singleSupplier)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesingleSupplier
- the Callable that is called for each individual SingleObserver and
returns a SingleSource instance to subscribe to@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> error(java.util.concurrent.Callable<? extends java.lang.Throwable> errorSupplier)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typeerrorSupplier
- the callable that is called for each individual SingleObserver and
returns a Throwable instance to be emitted.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> error(java.lang.Throwable exception)
method when the
subscriber subscribes to it.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of the item (ostensibly) emitted by the Singleexception
- the particular Throwable to pass to onError
method when
the subscriber subscribes to it@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> fromCallable(java.util.concurrent.Callable<? extends T> callable)
that invokes passed function and emits its result for each new SingleObserver that subscribes.
Allows you to defer execution of passed function until SingleObserver subscribes to the Single
It makes passed function "lazy".
Result of the function invocation will be emitted by the Single
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of the item emitted by the Single
- function which execution should be deferred, it will be invoked when SingleObserver will subscribe to the Single
whose SingleObserver
s' subscriptions trigger an invocation of the given function.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> fromFuture(java.util.concurrent.Future<? extends T> future)
into a Single
You can convert any object that supports the Future
interface into a Single that emits the return
value of the Future.get()
method of that object, by passing the object into the from
Important note: This Single is blocking; you cannot dispose it.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of object that the Future
returns, and also the type of item to be emitted by
the resulting Single
- the source Future
that emits the item from the source Future
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> fromFuture(java.util.concurrent.Future<? extends T> future, long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
into a Single
, with a timeout on the Future.
You can convert any object that supports the Future
interface into a Single
that emits
the return value of the Future.get()
method of that object, by passing the object into the
Important note: This Single
is blocking; you cannot dispose it.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of object that the Future
returns, and also the type of item to be emitted by
the resulting Single
- the source Future
- the maximum time to wait before calling get
- the TimeUnit
of the timeout
that emits the item from the source Future
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public static <T> Single<T> fromFuture(java.util.concurrent.Future<? extends T> future, long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)
into a Single
, with a timeout on the Future.
You can convert any object that supports the Future
interface into a Single
that emits
the return value of the Future.get()
method of that object, by passing the object into the
Important note: This Single
is blocking; you cannot dispose it.
where the blocking wait will happen.T
- the type of object that the Future
returns, and also the type of item to be emitted by
the resulting Single
- the source Future
- the maximum time to wait before calling get
- the TimeUnit
of the timeout
- the Scheduler to use for the blocking waitSingle
that emits the item from the source Future
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public static <T> Single<T> fromFuture(java.util.concurrent.Future<? extends T> future, Scheduler scheduler)
, operating on a specified Scheduler
, into a Single
You can convert any object that supports the Future
interface into a Single
that emits
the return value of the Future.get()
method of that object, by passing the object into the
this operator will useT
- the type of object that the Future
returns, and also the type of item to be emitted by
the resulting Single
- the source Future
- the Scheduler
to wait for the Future on. Use a Scheduler such as
that can block and wait on the FutureSingle
that emits the item from the source Future
@BackpressureSupport(value=UNBOUNDED_IN) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> fromPublisher(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends T> publisher)
If the source Publisher is empty, a NoSuchElementException is signalled. If the source has more than one element, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is signalled.
is consumed in an unbounded fashion but will be cancelled
if it produced more than one item.fromPublisher
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typepublisher
- the source Publisher instance, not null@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> fromObservable(ObservableSource<? extends T> observableSource)
If the ObservableSource is empty, a NoSuchElementException is signalled. If the source has more than one element, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is signalled.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of the item emitted by the Single
- the source Observable, not null@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> just(T item)
that emits a specified item.
To convert any object into a Single
that emits that object, pass that object into the
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of that itemitem
- the item to emitSingle
that emits item
@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> merge(java.lang.Iterable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.merge
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common and resulting value typesources
- the Iterable sequence of SingleSource sources@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> merge(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.merge
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common and resulting value typesources
- the Flowable sequence of SingleSource sources@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> merge(SingleSource<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> source)
that emits a Single
into a single Single
that emits the item
emitted by the nested Single
, without any transformation.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the sources and the outputsource
- a Single
that emits a Single
that emits the item that is the result of flattening the Single
by source
@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> merge(SingleSource<? extends T> source1, SingleSource<? extends T> source2)
You can combine items emitted by multiple Singles so that they appear as a single Flowable, by
using the merge
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.merge
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a Single to be mergedsource2
- a Single to be merged@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> merge(SingleSource<? extends T> source1, SingleSource<? extends T> source2, SingleSource<? extends T> source3)
You can combine items emitted by multiple Singles so that they appear as a single Flowable, by using
the merge
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.merge
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a Single to be mergedsource2
- a Single to be mergedsource3
- a Single to be merged@CheckReturnValue @BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Flowable<T> merge(SingleSource<? extends T> source1, SingleSource<? extends T> source2, SingleSource<? extends T> source3, SingleSource<? extends T> source4)
You can combine items emitted by multiple Singles so that they appear as a single Flowable, by using
the merge
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.merge
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typesource1
- a Single to be mergedsource2
- a Single to be mergedsource3
- a Single to be mergedsource4
- a Single to be merged@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> never()
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the target value type@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public static Single<java.lang.Long> timer(long delay, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
operates by default on the computation
- the delay amountunit
- the time unit of the delay@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public static Single<java.lang.Long> timer(long delay, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)
to signal on.delay
- the delay amountunit
- the time unit of the delayscheduler
- the scheduler where the single 0L will be emitted@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<java.lang.Boolean> equals(SingleSource<? extends T> first, SingleSource<? extends T> second)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typefirst
- the first SingleSource instancesecond
- the second SingleSource instance@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> unsafeCreate(SingleSource<T> onSubscribe)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typeonSubscribe
- the function that is called with the subscribing SingleObserverjava.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- if source
is a subclass of Single
; such
instances don't need conversion and is possibly a port remnant from 1.x or one should use hide()
instead.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T,U> Single<T> using(java.util.concurrent.Callable<U> resourceSupplier, Function<? super U,? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> singleFunction, Consumer<? super U> disposer)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the SingleSource generatedU
- the resource typeresourceSupplier
- the Callable called for each SingleObserver to generate a resource ObjectsingleFunction
- the function called with the returned resource
Object from resourceSupplier
and should return a SingleSource instance
to be run by the operatordisposer
- the consumer of the generated resource that is called exactly once for
that particular resource when the generated SingleSource terminates
(successfully or with an error) or gets cancelled.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T,U> Single<T> using(java.util.concurrent.Callable<U> resourceSupplier, Function<? super U,? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> singleFunction, Consumer<? super U> disposer, boolean eager)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the SingleSource generatedU
- the resource typeresourceSupplier
- the Callable called for each SingleObserver to generate a resource ObjectsingleFunction
- the function called with the returned resource
Object from resourceSupplier
and should return a SingleSource instance
to be run by the operatordisposer
- the consumer of the generated resource that is called exactly once for
that particular resource when the generated SingleSource terminates
(successfully or with an error) or gets cancelled.eager
- if true, the disposer is called before the terminal event is signalled
if false, the disposer is called after the terminal event is delivered to downstream@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T> Single<T> wrap(SingleSource<T> source)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value typesource
- the source to wrap@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T,R> Single<R> zip(java.lang.Iterable<? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> sources, Function<? super java.lang.Object[],? extends R> zipper)
Note on method signature: since Java doesn't allow creating a generic array with new T[]
, the
implementation of this operator has to create an Object[]
instead. Unfortunately, a
Function<Integer[], R>
passed to the method would trigger a ClassCastException
If any of the SingleSources signal an error, all other SingleSources get cancelled and the error emitted to downstream immediately.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typeR
- the result value typesources
- the Iterable sequence of SingleSource instanceszipper
- the function that receives an array with values from each SingleSource
and should return a value to be emitted to downstream@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,R> Single<R> zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1, SingleSource<? extends T2> source2, BiFunction<? super T1,? super T2,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the first source Single's value typeT2
- the second source Single's value typeR
- the result value typesource1
- the first source Singlesource2
- a second source Singlezipper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by each of the source Singles, results in an
item that will be emitted by the resulting Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,R> Single<R> zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1, SingleSource<? extends T2> source2, SingleSource<? extends T3> source3, Function3<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the first source Single's value typeT2
- the second source Single's value typeT3
- the third source Single's value typeR
- the result value typesource1
- the first source Singlesource2
- a second source Singlesource3
- a third source Singlezipper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by each of the source Singles, results in an
item that will be emitted by the resulting Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,R> Single<R> zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1, SingleSource<? extends T2> source2, SingleSource<? extends T3> source3, SingleSource<? extends T4> source4, Function4<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the first source Single's value typeT2
- the second source Single's value typeT3
- the third source Single's value typeT4
- the fourth source Single's value typeR
- the result value typesource1
- the first source Singlesource2
- a second source Singlesource3
- a third source Singlesource4
- a fourth source Singlezipper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by each of the source Singles, results in an
item that will be emitted by the resulting Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,R> Single<R> zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1, SingleSource<? extends T2> source2, SingleSource<? extends T3> source3, SingleSource<? extends T4> source4, SingleSource<? extends T5> source5, Function5<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the first source Single's value typeT2
- the second source Single's value typeT3
- the third source Single's value typeT4
- the fourth source Single's value typeT5
- the fifth source Single's value typeR
- the result value typesource1
- the first source Singlesource2
- a second source Singlesource3
- a third source Singlesource4
- a fourth source Singlesource5
- a fifth source Singlezipper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by each of the source Singles, results in an
item that will be emitted by the resulting Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,R> Single<R> zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1, SingleSource<? extends T2> source2, SingleSource<? extends T3> source3, SingleSource<? extends T4> source4, SingleSource<? extends T5> source5, SingleSource<? extends T6> source6, Function6<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the first source Single's value typeT2
- the second source Single's value typeT3
- the third source Single's value typeT4
- the fourth source Single's value typeT5
- the fifth source Single's value typeT6
- the sixth source Single's value typeR
- the result value typesource1
- the first source Singlesource2
- a second source Singlesource3
- a third source Singlesource4
- a fourth source Singlesource5
- a fifth source Singlesource6
- a sixth source Singlezipper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by each of the source Singles, results in an
item that will be emitted by the resulting Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,R> Single<R> zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1, SingleSource<? extends T2> source2, SingleSource<? extends T3> source3, SingleSource<? extends T4> source4, SingleSource<? extends T5> source5, SingleSource<? extends T6> source6, SingleSource<? extends T7> source7, Function7<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the first source Single's value typeT2
- the second source Single's value typeT3
- the third source Single's value typeT4
- the fourth source Single's value typeT5
- the fifth source Single's value typeT6
- the sixth source Single's value typeT7
- the seventh source Single's value typeR
- the result value typesource1
- the first source Singlesource2
- a second source Singlesource3
- a third source Singlesource4
- a fourth source Singlesource5
- a fifth source Singlesource6
- a sixth source Singlesource7
- a seventh source Singlezipper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by each of the source Singles, results in an
item that will be emitted by the resulting Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,R> Single<R> zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1, SingleSource<? extends T2> source2, SingleSource<? extends T3> source3, SingleSource<? extends T4> source4, SingleSource<? extends T5> source5, SingleSource<? extends T6> source6, SingleSource<? extends T7> source7, SingleSource<? extends T8> source8, Function8<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the first source Single's value typeT2
- the second source Single's value typeT3
- the third source Single's value typeT4
- the fourth source Single's value typeT5
- the fifth source Single's value typeT6
- the sixth source Single's value typeT7
- the seventh source Single's value typeT8
- the eighth source Single's value typeR
- the result value typesource1
- the first source Singlesource2
- a second source Singlesource3
- a third source Singlesource4
- a fourth source Singlesource5
- a fifth source Singlesource6
- a sixth source Singlesource7
- a seventh source Singlesource8
- an eighth source Singlezipper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by each of the source Singles, results in an
item that will be emitted by the resulting Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8,T9,R> Single<R> zip(SingleSource<? extends T1> source1, SingleSource<? extends T2> source2, SingleSource<? extends T3> source3, SingleSource<? extends T4> source4, SingleSource<? extends T5> source5, SingleSource<? extends T6> source6, SingleSource<? extends T7> source7, SingleSource<? extends T8> source8, SingleSource<? extends T9> source9, Function9<? super T1,? super T2,? super T3,? super T4,? super T5,? super T6,? super T7,? super T8,? super T9,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the first source Single's value typeT2
- the second source Single's value typeT3
- the third source Single's value typeT4
- the fourth source Single's value typeT5
- the fifth source Single's value typeT6
- the sixth source Single's value typeT7
- the seventh source Single's value typeT8
- the eighth source Single's value typeT9
- the ninth source Single's value typeR
- the result value typesource1
- the first source Singlesource2
- a second source Singlesource3
- a third source Singlesource4
- a fourth source Singlesource5
- a fifth source Singlesource6
- a sixth source Singlesource7
- a seventh source Singlesource8
- an eighth source Singlesource9
- a ninth source Singlezipper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by each of the source Singles, results in an
item that will be emitted by the resulting Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public static <T,R> Single<R> zipArray(Function<? super java.lang.Object[],? extends R> zipper, SingleSource<? extends T>... sources)
Note on method signature: since Java doesn't allow creating a generic array with new T[]
, the
implementation of this operator has to create an Object[]
instead. Unfortunately, a
Function<Integer[], R>
passed to the method would trigger a ClassCastException
If any of the SingleSources signal an error, all other SingleSources get cancelled and the error emitted to downstream immediately.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the common value typeR
- the result value typesources
- the array of SingleSource instanceszipper
- the function that receives an array with values from each SingleSource
and should return a value to be emitted to downstream@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> ambWith(SingleSource<? extends T> other)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the other SingleSource to race for the first emission of success or error@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> hide()
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> Single<R> compose(SingleTransformer<? super T,? extends R> transformer)
This method operates on the Single itself whereas lift(io.reactivex.SingleOperator<? extends R, ? super T>)
operates on the Single's SingleObservers.
If the operator you are creating is designed to act on the individual item emitted by a Single, use
lift(io.reactivex.SingleOperator<? extends R, ? super T>)
. If your operator is designed to transform the source Single as a whole (for instance, by
applying a particular set of existing RxJava operators to it) use compose
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value type of the single returned by the transformer functiontransformer
- the transformer function, not null@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> cache()
The returned Single subscribes to the current Single when the first SingleObserver subscribes.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> Single<U> cast(java.lang.Class<? extends U> clazz)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the target typeclazz
- the type token to use for casting the success result from the current Single@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Flowable<T> concatWith(SingleSource<? extends T> other)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.concatWith
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a Single to be concatenated after the currentt1
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final Single<T> delay(long time, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
operates by default on the computation
- the time amount to delay the signalsunit
- the time unit@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final Single<T> delay(long time, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)
where the non-blocking wait and emission happenstime
- the time amount to delay the signalsunit
- the time unitscheduler
- the target scheduler to use fro the non-blocking wait and emission@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> delaySubscription(CompletableSource other)
If the delaying source signals an error, that error is re-emitted and no subscription to the current Single happens.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the CompletableSource that has to complete before the subscription to the
current Single happens@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> Single<T> delaySubscription(SingleSource<U> other)
If the delaying source signals an error, that error is re-emitted and no subscription to the current Single happens.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the other sourceother
- the SingleSource that has to complete before the subscription to the
current Single happens@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> Single<T> delaySubscription(ObservableSource<U> other)
If the delaying source signals an error, that error is re-emitted and no subscription to the current Single happens.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the other sourceother
- the ObservableSource that has to signal a value or complete before the
subscription to the current Single happens@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> Single<T> delaySubscription(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<U> other)
If the delaying source signals an error, that error is re-emitted and no subscription to the current Single happens.
The other source is consumed in an unbounded manner (requesting Long.MAX_VALUE from it).
publisher is consumed in an unbounded fashion but will be
cancelled after the first item it produced.delaySubscription
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the element type of the other sourceother
- the Publisher that has to signal a value or complete before the
subscription to the current Single happens@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final <U> Single<T> delaySubscription(long time, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
does by default subscribe to the current Single
on the computation
after the delay.U
- the element type of the other sourcetime
- the time amount to wait with the subscriptionunit
- the time unit of the waiting@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final <U> Single<T> delaySubscription(long time, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)
does by default subscribe to the current Single
on the Scheduler
you provided, after the delay.U
- the element type of the other sourcetime
- the time amount to wait with the subscriptionunit
- the time unit of the waitingscheduler
- the scheduler to wait on and subscribe on to the current Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> doAfterSuccess(Consumer<? super T> onAfterSuccess)
Note that the doAfterSuccess
action is shared between subscriptions and as such
should be thread-safe.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Consumer that will be called after emitting an item from upstream to the downstream@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> doAfterTerminate(Action onAfterTerminate)
to be called after this Single invokes either onSuccess or onError.
* Note that the doAfterSuccess
action is shared between subscriptions and as such
should be thread-safe.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- an Action
to be invoked when the source Single finishesAction
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> doFinally(Action onFinally)
In case of a race between a terminal event and a dispose call, the provided onFinally
is executed once per subscription.
Note that the onFinally
action is shared between subscriptions and as such
should be thread-safe.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the action called when this Single terminates or gets cancelled@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> doOnSubscribe(Consumer<? super Disposable> onSubscribe)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the consumer called with the Disposable sent via onSubscribe@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> doOnSuccess(Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the consumer called with the success value of onSuccess@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> doOnEvent(BiConsumer<? super T,? super java.lang.Throwable> onEvent)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the consumer called with the success value of onEvent@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> doOnError(Consumer<? super java.lang.Throwable> onError)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the consumer called with the success value of onError@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> doOnDispose(Action onDispose)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the runnable called when the subscription is disposed@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Maybe<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that evaluates the item emitted by the source Maybe, returning true
if it passes the filtertrue
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> Single<R> flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends SingleSource<? extends R>> mapper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the source Single, returns a SingleSourcemapper
when applied to the item emitted by the source Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> Maybe<R> flatMapMaybe(Function<? super T,? extends MaybeSource<? extends R>> mapper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the source Single, returns a MaybeSourcemapper
when applied to the item emitted by the source Single@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> Flowable<R> flatMapPublisher(Function<? super T,? extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends R>> mapper)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer
and the Publisher
returned by the mapper function is expected to honor it as well.flatMapPublisher
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the source Single, returns an
when applied to the item emitted by the source Single@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> Flowable<U> flattenAsFlowable(Function<? super T,? extends java.lang.Iterable<? extends U>> mapper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of item emitted by the resulting Iterablemapper
- a function that returns an Iterable sequence of values for when given an item emitted by the
source Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U> Observable<U> flattenAsObservable(Function<? super T,? extends java.lang.Iterable<? extends U>> mapper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of item emitted by the resulting Iterablemapper
- a function that returns an Iterable sequence of values for when given an item emitted by the
source Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> Observable<R> flatMapObservable(Function<? super T,? extends ObservableSource<? extends R>> mapper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the source Single, returns an ObservableSourcefunc
when applied to the item emitted by the source Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Completable flatMapCompletable(Function<? super T,? extends CompletableSource> mapper)
that completes based on applying a specified function to the item emitted by the
source Single
, where that function returns a Completable
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that, when applied to the item emitted by the source Single, returns a
when applied to the item emitted by the source Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final T blockingGet()
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> Single<R> lift(SingleOperator<? extends R,? super T> lift)
In other words, this allows chaining TaskExecutors together on a Single for acting on the values within the Single.
task.map(...).filter(...).lift(new OperatorA()).lift(new OperatorB(...)).subscribe()
If the operator you are creating is designed to act on the item emitted by a source Single, use
. If your operator is designed to transform the source Single as a whole (for instance, by
applying a particular set of existing RxJava operators to it) use compose(io.reactivex.SingleTransformer<? super T, ? extends R>)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the downstream's value type (output)lift
- the Operator that implements the Single-operating function to be applied to the source Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> Single<R> map(Function<? super T,? extends R> mapper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result value typemapper
- a function to apply to the item emitted by the Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<java.lang.Boolean> contains(java.lang.Object value)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value to compare against the success value of this Single@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<java.lang.Boolean> contains(java.lang.Object value, BiPredicate<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> comparer)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value to compare against the success value of this Singlecomparer
- the function that receives the success value of this Single, the value provided
and should return true if they are considered equal@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Flowable<T> mergeWith(SingleSource<? extends T> other)
You can combine items emitted by multiple Singles so that they appear as a single Flowable, by using
the mergeWith
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.mergeWith
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a Single to be merged@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final Single<T> observeOn(Scheduler scheduler)
this operator will usescheduler
- the Scheduler
to notify subscribers onScheduler
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> onErrorReturn(Function<java.lang.Throwable,? extends T> resumeFunction)
if it encounters an error.
By default, when a Single encounters an error that prevents it from emitting the expected item to its
subscriber, the Single invokes its subscriber's SingleObserver.onError(java.lang.Throwable)
method, and then quits
without invoking any more of its subscriber's methods. The onErrorReturn
method changes this
behavior. If you pass a function (resumeFunction
) to a Single's onErrorReturn
method, if
the original Single encounters an error, instead of invoking its subscriber's
method, it will instead emit the return value of resumeFunction
You can use this to prevent errors from propagating or to supply fallback data should errors be encountered.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that returns an item that the new Single will emit if the source Single encounters
an error@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> onErrorReturnItem(T value)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the value to signal if the current Single fails@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> onErrorResumeNext(Single<? extends T> resumeSingleInCaseOfError)
if it encounters an error.
, the Single invokes its SingleObserver's onError
method, and then quits
without invoking any more of its SingleObserver's methods. The onErrorResumeNext
method changes this
behavior. If you pass another Single (resumeSingleInCaseOfError
) to a Single's
method, if the original Single encounters an error, instead of invoking its
SingleObserver's onError
method, it will instead relinquish control to resumeSingleInCaseOfError
will invoke the SingleObserver's onSuccess
method if it is able to do so. In such a case,
because no Single necessarily invokes onError
, the SingleObserver may never know that an error
You can use this to prevent errors from propagating or to supply fallback data should errors be
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a Single that will take control if source Single encounters an error.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> onErrorResumeNext(Function<? super java.lang.Throwable,? extends SingleSource<? extends T>> resumeFunctionInCaseOfError)
if it encounters an error.
, the Single invokes its SingleObserver's onError
method, and then quits
without invoking any more of its SingleObserver's methods. The onErrorResumeNext
method changes this
behavior. If you pass a function that will return another Single (resumeFunctionInCaseOfError
) to a Single's
method, if the original Single encounters an error, instead of invoking its
SingleObserver's onError
method, it will instead relinquish control to resumeSingleInCaseOfError
will invoke the SingleObserver's onSuccess
method if it is able to do so. In such a case,
because no Single necessarily invokes onError
, the SingleObserver may never know that an error
You can use this to prevent errors from propagating or to supply fallback data should errors be
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- a function that returns a Single that will take control if source Single encounters an error.@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Flowable<T> repeat()
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.repeat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Flowable<T> repeat(long times)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.repeat
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the number of times to re-subscribe to the current Single@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Flowable<T> repeatWhen(Function<? super Flowable<java.lang.Object>,? extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>> handler)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.
The Publisher
returned by the handler function is expected to honor backpressure as well.repeatWhen
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the function that is called with a Flowable that signals a value when the Single
signalled a success value and returns a Publisher that has to signal a value to
trigger a resubscription to the current Single, otherwise the terminal signal of
the Publisher will be the terminal signal of the sequence as well.@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Flowable<T> repeatUntil(BooleanSupplier stop)
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.repeatUntil
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the BooleanSupplier called after the current Single succeeds and if returns false,
the Single is re-subscribed; otherwise the sequence completes.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> retry()
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> retry(long times)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the number of times to resubscribe if the current Single fails@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> retry(BiPredicate<? super java.lang.Integer,? super java.lang.Throwable> predicate)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the predicate called with the resubscription count and the failure Throwable
and should return true if a resubscription should happen@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> retry(Predicate<? super java.lang.Throwable> predicate)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the predicate called with the failure Throwable
and should return true if a resubscription should happen@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> retryWhen(Function<? super Flowable<java.lang.Throwable>,? extends org.reactivestreams.Publisher<?>> handler)
If the Publisher signals an onComplete, the resulting Single will signal a NoSuchElementException.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the function that receives a Flowable of the error the Single emits and should
return a Publisher that should signal a normal value (in response to the
throwable the Flowable emits) to trigger a resubscription or signal an error to
be the output of the resulting Single@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Disposable subscribe()
If the Single emits an error, it is wrapped into an
and routed to the RxJavaPlugins.onError handler.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
reference can request the Single
stop work.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Disposable subscribe(BiConsumer<? super T,? super java.lang.Throwable> onCallback)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the callback that receives either the success value or the failure Throwable
(whichever is not null)Disposable
reference can request the Single
stop work.java.lang.NullPointerException
- if onCallback
is null@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Disposable subscribe(Consumer<? super T> onSuccess)
If the Single emits an error, it is wrapped into an
and routed to the RxJavaPlugins.onError handler.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Consumer<T>
you have designed to accept the emission from the SingleDisposable
reference can request the Single
stop work.java.lang.NullPointerException
- if onSuccess
is null@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Disposable subscribe(Consumer<? super T> onSuccess, Consumer<? super java.lang.Throwable> onError)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Consumer<T>
you have designed to accept the emission from the SingleonError
- the Consumer<Throwable>
you have designed to accept any error notification from the
reference can request the Single
stop work.java.lang.NullPointerException
- if onSuccess
is null, or
if onError
is null@SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final void subscribe(SingleObserver<? super T> subscriber)
in interface SingleSource<T>
- the SingleObserver, not nullprotected abstract void subscribeActual(SingleObserver<? super T> observer)
- the SingleObserver to handle, not null@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <E extends SingleObserver<? super T>> E subscribeWith(E observer)
Usage example:
Single<Integer> source = Single.just(1);
CompositeDisposable composite = new CompositeDisposable();
class ResourceSingleObserver implements SingleObserver<Integer>, Disposable {
// ...
composite.add(source.subscribeWith(new ResourceSingleObserver()));
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of the SingleObserver to use and returnobserver
- the SingleObserver (subclass) to use and return, not nullobserver
- if observer
is null@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final Single<T> subscribeOn(Scheduler scheduler)
this operator will usescheduler
- the Scheduler
to perform subscription actions onScheduler
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Single<T> takeUntil(CompletableSource other)
, this will emit a CancellationException
rather than go to
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the Completable whose termination will cause takeUntil
to emit the item from the source
terminates.@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <E> Single<T> takeUntil(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<E> other)
, this will emit a CancellationException
rather than go to
publisher is consumed in an unbounded fashion but will be
cancelled after the first item it produced.takeUntil
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items emitted by other
- the Publisher whose first emitted item will cause takeUntil
to emit the item from the source
its first item@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <E> Single<T> takeUntil(SingleSource<? extends E> other)
, this will emit a CancellationException
rather than go to
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of item emitted by other
- the Single whose emitted item will cause takeUntil
to emit the item from the source Singleother
emits its item@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final Single<T> timeout(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
signals the TimeoutException on the computation
- the timeout amountunit
- the time unit@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final Single<T> timeout(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)
signals the TimeoutException on the Scheduler
you specify.timeout
- the timeout amountunit
- the time unitscheduler
- the target scheduler where the timeout is awaited and the TimeoutException
signalled@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="custom") public final Single<T> timeout(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler, SingleSource<? extends T> other)
subscribes to the other SingleSource on the Scheduler
you specify.timeout
- the timeout amountunit
- the time unitscheduler
- the scheduler where the timeout is awaited and the subscription to other happensother
- the other SingleSource that gets subscribed to if the current Single times out@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="io.reactivex:computation") public final Single<T> timeout(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit, SingleSource<? extends T> other)
subscribes to the other SingleSource on
the computation
- the timeout amountunit
- the time unitother
- the other SingleSource that gets subscribed to if the current Single times out@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <R> R to(Function<? super Single<T>,R> convert)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the result typeconvert
- the function that is called with the current Single instance during
assembly time that should return some value to be the result@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Completable toCompletable()
that discards result of the Single
and calls onComplete
when this source Single
. Error terminal event is propagated.
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
that calls onComplete
on it's subscriber when the source Single
calls onSuccess
.@BackpressureSupport(value=FULL) @CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Flowable<T> toFlowable()
honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.toFlowable
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
that emits a single item T or an error.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final java.util.concurrent.Future<T> toFuture()
representing the single value emitted by this Single
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
that expects a single item to be emitted by this Single
@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Maybe<T> toMaybe()
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
that emits a single item T or an error.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final Observable<T> toObservable()
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
that emits a single item T or an error.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final <U,R> Single<R> zipWith(SingleSource<U> other, BiFunction<? super T,? super U,? extends R> zipper)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- the type of items emitted by the other
- the type of items emitted by the resulting Singleother
- the other SingleSourcezipper
- a function that combines the pairs of items from the two SingleSources to generate the items to
be emitted by the resulting Singleother
and emits the results of zipFunction
applied to these pairs@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final TestObserver<T> test()
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
.@CheckReturnValue @SchedulerSupport(value="none") public final TestObserver<T> test(boolean cancelled)
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
- if true, the TestObserver will be cancelled before subscribing to this