- the value type received and emitted by this Processor subclasspublic final class UnicastProcessor<T> extends FlowableProcessor<T>
variant that queues up events until a single Subscriber
subscribes to it, replays
those events to it until the Subscriber
catches up and then switches to relaying events live to
this single Subscriber
until this UnicastProcessor
terminates or the Subscriber
its subscription.
This processor does not have a public constructor by design; a new empty instance of this
can be created via the following create
methods that
allow specifying the retention policy for items:
- creates an empty, unbounded UnicastProcessor
caches all items and the terminal event it receives.create(int)
- creates an empty, unbounded UnicastProcessor
with a hint about how many total items one expects to retain.create(boolean)
- creates an empty, unbounded UnicastProcessor
optionally delays an error it receives and replays it after the regular items have been emitted.create(int, Runnable)
- creates an empty, unbounded UnicastProcessor
with a hint about how many total items one expects to retain and a callback that will be
called exactly once when the UnicastProcessor
gets terminated or the single Subscriber
cancels.create(int, Runnable, boolean)
- creates an empty, unbounded UnicastProcessor
with a hint about how many total items one expects to retain and a callback that will be
called exactly once when the UnicastProcessor
gets terminated or the single Subscriber
and optionally delays an error it receives and replays it after the regular items have been emitted.
If more than one Subscriber
attempts to subscribe to this Processor, they
will receive an IllegalStateException
if this UnicastProcessor
hasn't terminated yet,
or the Subscribers receive the terminal event (error or completion) if this
Processor has terminated.
The UnicastProcessor
buffers notifications and replays them to the single Subscriber
as requested,
for which it holds upstream items an unbounded internal buffer until they can be emitted.
Since a UnicastProcessor
is a Reactive Streams Processor
s are not allowed (Rule 2.13) as
parameters to onNext(Object)
and onError(Throwable)
. Such calls will result in a
being thrown and the processor's state is not changed.
Since a UnicastProcessor
is a Flowable
as well as a FlowableProcessor
, it
honors the downstream backpressure but consumes an upstream source in an unbounded manner (requesting Long.MAX_VALUE
When this UnicastProcessor
is terminated via onError(Throwable)
the current or late single Subscriber
may receive the Throwable
before any available items could be emitted. To make sure an onError
event is delivered
to the Subscriber
after the normal items, create a UnicastProcessor
with the create(boolean)
create(int, Runnable, boolean)
factory methods.
Even though UnicastProcessor
implements the Subscriber
interface, calling
is not required (Rule 2.12)
if the processor is used as a standalone source. However, calling onSubscribe
after the UnicastProcessor
reached its terminal state will result in the
given Subscription
being canceled immediately.
Calling onNext(Object)
, onError(Throwable)
and onComplete()
is required to be serialized (called from the same thread or called non-overlappingly from different threads
through external means of serialization). The FlowableProcessor.toSerialized()
method available to all FlowableProcessor
provides such serialization and also protects against reentrance (i.e., when a downstream Subscriber
consuming this processor also wants to call onNext(Object)
on this processor recursively).
This UnicastProcessor
supports the standard state-peeking methods hasComplete()
, hasThrowable()
and hasSubscribers()
honors the downstream backpressure but consumes an upstream source
(if any) in an unbounded manner (requesting Long.MAX_VALUE
does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler
the single Subscriber
gets notified on the thread the respective onXXX
methods were invoked.onError(Throwable)
is called, the UnicastProcessor
enters into a terminal state
and emits the same Throwable
instance to the current single Subscriber
. During this emission,
if the single Subscriber
s cancels its respective Subscription
s, the
is delivered to the global error handler via
If there were no Subscriber
s subscribed to this UnicastProcessor
when the onError()
was called, the global error handler is not invoked.
Example usage:
UnicastProcessor<Integer> processor = UnicastProcessor.create();
TestSubscriber<Integer> ts1 = processor.test();
// fresh UnicastProcessors are empty
TestSubscriber<Integer> ts2 = processor.test();
// A UnicastProcessor only allows one Subscriber during its lifetime
ts1.assertValues(1, 2);
ts1.assertResult(1, 2);
// ----------------------------------------------------
UnicastProcessor<Integer> processor2 = UnicastProcessor.create();
// a UnicastProcessor caches events until its single Subscriber subscribes
TestSubscriber<Integer> ts3 = processor2.test();
// the cached events are emitted in order
ts3.assertResult(1, 2);
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> |
Creates an UnicastSubject with an internal buffer capacity hint 16.
static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> |
create(boolean delayError)
Creates an UnicastProcessor with default internal buffer capacity hint and delay error flag.
static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> |
create(int capacityHint)
Creates an UnicastProcessor with the given internal buffer capacity hint.
static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> |
create(int capacityHint,
@NonNull Runnable onTerminate)
Creates an UnicastProcessor with the given internal buffer capacity hint and a callback for
the case when the single Subscriber cancels its subscription or the
processor is terminated.
static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> |
create(int capacityHint,
@NonNull Runnable onTerminate,
boolean delayError)
Creates an UnicastProcessor with the given internal buffer capacity hint, delay error flag and a callback for
the case when the single Subscriber cancels its subscription or
the processor is terminated.
@Nullable Throwable |
Returns the error that caused the FlowableProcessor to terminate or null if the FlowableProcessor
hasn't terminated yet.
boolean |
Returns true if the FlowableProcessor has reached a terminal state through a complete event.
boolean |
Returns true if the FlowableProcessor has subscribers.
boolean |
Returns true if the FlowableProcessor has reached a terminal state through an error event.
void |
onComplete() |
void |
onError(Throwable t) |
void |
onNext(T t) |
void |
onSubscribe(Subscription s)
Implementors of this method should make sure everything that needs
to be visible in
Subscriber.onNext(Object) is established before
calling Subscription.request(long) . |
protected void |
subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> s)
Operator implementations (both source and intermediate) should implement this method that
performs the necessary business logic and handles the incoming
Subscriber s. |
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@CheckReturnValue @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> create()
- the value type@CheckReturnValue @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> create(int capacityHint)
- the value typecapacityHint
- the hint to size the internal unbounded bufferIllegalArgumentException
- if capacityHint
is non-positive@CheckReturnValue @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> create(boolean delayError)
History: 2.0.8 - experimental
- the value typedelayError
- deliver pending onNext events before onError@CheckReturnValue @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> create(int capacityHint, @NonNull Runnable onTerminate)
The callback, if not null, is called exactly once and non-overlapped with any active replay.
- the value typecapacityHint
- the hint to size the internal unbounded bufferonTerminate
- the non null callbackNullPointerException
- if onTerminate
is null
- if capacityHint
is non-positive@CheckReturnValue @NonNull public static <T> @NonNull UnicastProcessor<T> create(int capacityHint, @NonNull Runnable onTerminate, boolean delayError)
The callback, if not null, is called exactly once and non-overlapped with any active replay.
History: 2.0.8 - experimental
- the value typecapacityHint
- the hint to size the internal unbounded bufferonTerminate
- the non null callbackdelayError
- deliver pending onNext events before onErrorNullPointerException
- if onTerminate
is null
- if capacityHint
is non-positivepublic void onSubscribe(Subscription s)
is established before
calling Subscription.request(long)
. In practice this means
no initialization should happen after the request()
call and
additional behavior is thread safe in respect to onNext
public void onNext(T t)
public void onError(Throwable t)
public void onComplete()
protected void subscribeActual(Subscriber<? super T> s)
There is no need to call any of the plugin hooks on the current Flowable
instance or
the Subscriber
; all hooks and basic safeguards have been
applied by Flowable.subscribe(Subscriber)
before this method gets called.
in class Flowable<T>
- the incoming Subscriber
, never null
@CheckReturnValue public boolean hasSubscribers()
The method is thread-safe.
in class FlowableProcessor<T>
@Nullable @CheckReturnValue public @Nullable Throwable getThrowable()
The method is thread-safe.
in class FlowableProcessor<T>
@CheckReturnValue public boolean hasComplete()
The method is thread-safe.
in class FlowableProcessor<T>
@CheckReturnValue public boolean hasThrowable()
The method is thread-safe.
in class FlowableProcessor<T>