The Reactive Extensions for Native (RxCpp) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators in both C and C++.
rxcpp Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for rxcpp:


directory  operators
directory  schedulers
directory  sources
directory  subjects


file  rx-connectable_observable.hpp [code]
file  rx-coordination.hpp [code]
file  rx-coroutine.hpp [code]
 The proposal to add couroutines to the standard adds co_await, for co_await, co_yield and co_return. This file adds begin(observable<>) & end(observable<>) which enables for co_await to work with the observable<> type.
file  rx-grouped_observable.hpp [code]
file  rx-includes.hpp [code]
file  rx-lite.hpp [code]
file  rx-notification.hpp [code]
file  rx-observable.hpp [code]
file  rx-observer.hpp [code]
file  rx-operators.hpp [code]
file  rx-predef.hpp [code]
file  rx-scheduler.hpp [code]
file  rx-sources.hpp [code]
file  rx-subjects.hpp [code]
file  rx-subscriber.hpp [code]
file  rx-subscription.hpp [code]
file  rx-test.hpp [code]
file  rx-trace.hpp [code]
file  rx-util.hpp [code]
file  rx.hpp [code]