The Reactive Extensions for Native (RxCpp) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators in both C and C++.
operators Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for operators:


file  rx-all.hpp [code]
 Returns an Observable that emits true if every item emitted by the source Observable satisfies a specified condition, otherwise false. Emits true if the source Observable terminates without emitting any item.
file  rx-amb.hpp [code]
 For each item from only the first of the given observables deliver from the new observable that is returned, on the specified scheduler.
file  rx-any.hpp [code]
 Returns an Observable that emits true if any item emitted by the source Observable satisfies a specified condition, otherwise false. Emits false if the source Observable terminates without emitting any item.
file  rx-buffer_count.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits connected, non-overlapping buffer, each containing at most count items from the source observable. If the skip parameter is set, return an observable that emits buffers every skip items containing at most count items from the source observable.
file  rx-buffer_time.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits buffers every period time interval and collects items from this observable for period of time into each produced buffer. If the skip parameter is set, Return an observable that emits buffers every skip time interval and collects items from this observable for period of time into each produced buffer, on the specified scheduler.
file  rx-buffer_time_count.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits connected, non-overlapping buffers of items from the source observable that were emitted during a fixed duration of time or when the buffer has reached maximum capacity (whichever occurs first), on the specified scheduler.
file  rx-combine_latest.hpp [code]
 For each item from all of the observables select a value to emit from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-concat.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable subscribe to one at a time, in the order received. For each item from all of the given observables deliver from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-concat_map.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable use the CollectionSelector to produce an observable and subscribe to that observable. For each item from all of the produced observables use the ResultSelector to produce a value to emit from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-connect_forever.hpp [code]
 takes a connectable_observable source and calls connect during the construction of the expression. This means that the source starts running without any subscribers and continues running after all subscriptions have been unsubscribed.
file  rx-debounce.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits an item if a particular timespan has passed without emitting another item from the source observable.
file  rx-delay.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits each item emitted by the source observable after the specified delay.
file  rx-distinct.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable, filter out repeated values and emit only items that have not already been emitted.
file  rx-distinct_until_changed.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable, filter out consequentially repeated values and emit only changes from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-element_at.hpp [code]
 Pulls an item located at a specified index location in the sequence of items and emits that item as its own sole emission.
file  rx-filter.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable use Predicate to select which items to emit from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-finally.hpp [code]
 Add a new action at the end of the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-flat_map.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable use the CollectionSelector to produce an observable and subscribe to that observable. For each item from all of the produced observables use the ResultSelector to produce a value to emit from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-group_by.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits grouped_observables, each of which corresponds to a unique key value and each of which emits those items from the source observable that share that key value.
file  rx-ignore_elements.hpp [code]
 Do not emit any items from the source Observable, but allow termination notification (either onError or onCompleted) to pass through unchanged.
file  rx-lift.hpp [code]
 takes any function that will take a subscriber for this observable and produce a subscriber. this is intended to allow externally defined operators, that use make_subscriber, to be connected into the expression.
file  rx-map.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable use Selector to produce an item to emit from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-merge.hpp [code]
 For each given observable subscribe. For each item emitted from all of the given observables, deliver from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-multicast.hpp [code]
 allows connections to the source to be independent of subscriptions.
file  rx-observe_on.hpp [code]
 All values are queued and delivered using the scheduler from the supplied coordination.
file  rx-on_error_resume_next.hpp [code]
 If an error occurs, take the result from the Selector and subscribe to that instead.
file  rx-pairwise.hpp [code]
 Take values pairwise from this observable.
file  rx-publish.hpp [code]
 Turn a cold observable hot and allow connections to the source to be independent of subscriptions. Turn a cold observable hot, send the most recent value to any new subscriber, and allow connections to the source to be independent of subscriptions.
file  rx-reduce.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable use Accumulator to combine items, when completed use ResultSelector to produce a value that will be emitted from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-ref_count.hpp [code]
 takes a connectable_observable source and uses a ref_count of the subscribers to control the connection to the published source. The first subscription will cause a call to connect() and the last unsubscribe will unsubscribe the connection.
file  rx-repeat.hpp [code]
 Repeat this observable for the given number of times or infinitely.
file  rx-replay.hpp [code]
 1) replay(optional Coordination, optional CompositeSubscription) Turn a cold observable hot, send all earlier emitted values to any new subscriber, and allow connections to the source to be independent of subscriptions.
file  rx-retry-repeat-common.hpp [code]
 Implementation commonalities between retry and repeat operators abstracted away from rx-retry.hpp and rx-repeat.hpp files. Should be used only from rx-retry.hpp and rx-repeat.hpp.
file  rx-retry.hpp [code]
 Retry this observable for the given number of times.
file  rx-sample_time.hpp [code]
 Return an Observable that emits the most recent items emitted by the source Observable within periodic time intervals.
file  rx-scan.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable use Accumulator to combine items into a value that will be emitted from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-sequence_equal.hpp [code]
 Determine whether two Observables emit the same sequence of items.
file  rx-skip.hpp [code]
 Make new observable with skipped first count items from this observable.
file  rx-skip_last.hpp [code]
 Make new observable with skipped last count items from this observable.
file  rx-skip_until.hpp [code]
 Make new observable with items skipped until on_next occurs on the trigger observable or until the specified time. skip_until takes (TriggerObservable, optional Coordination) or (TimePoint, optional Coordination)
file  rx-start_with.hpp [code]
 Start with the supplied values, then concatenate this observable.
file  rx-subscribe.hpp [code]
 Subscribe will cause the source observable to emit values to the provided subscriber.
file  rx-subscribe_on.hpp [code]
 Subscription and unsubscription are queued and delivered using the scheduler from the supplied coordination.
file  rx-switch_if_empty.hpp [code]
 If the source Observable terminates without emitting any items, emits items from a backup Observable.
file  rx-switch_on_next.hpp [code]
 Return observable that emits the items emitted by the observable most recently emitted by the source observable.
file  rx-take.hpp [code]
 For the first count items from this observable emit them from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-take_last.hpp [code]
 Emit only the final t items emitted by the source Observable.
file  rx-take_until.hpp [code]
 For each item from this observable until on_next occurs on the trigger observable or until the specified time, emit them from the new observable that is returned. take_until takes (TriggerObservable, optional Coordination) or (TimePoint, optional Coordination)
file  rx-take_while.hpp [code]
 For the first items fulfilling the predicate from this observable emit them from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-tap.hpp [code]
 inspect calls to on_next, on_error and on_completed.
file  rx-time_interval.hpp [code]
 Returns an observable that emits indications of the amount of time lapsed between consecutive emissions of the source observable. The first emission from this new Observable indicates the amount of time lapsed between the time when the observer subscribed to the Observable and the time when the source Observable emitted its first item.
file  rx-timeout.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that terminates with timeout_error if a particular timespan has passed without emitting another item from the source observable.
file  rx-timestamp.hpp [code]
 Returns an observable that attaches a timestamp to each item emitted by the source observable indicating when it was emitted.
file  rx-window.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits connected, non-overlapping windows, each containing at most count items from the source observable. If the skip parameter is set, return an observable that emits windows every skip items containing at most count items from the source observable.
file  rx-window_time.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits observables every period time interval and collects items from this observable for period of time into each produced observable, on the specified scheduler. If the skip parameter is set, return an observable that emits observables every skip time interval and collects items from this observable for period of time into each produced observable, on the specified scheduler.
file  rx-window_time_count.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits connected, non-overlapping windows of items from the source observable that were emitted during a fixed duration of time or when the window has reached maximum capacity (whichever occurs first), on the specified scheduler.
file  rx-window_toggle.hpp [code]
 Return an observable that emits observables every period time interval and collects items from this observable for period of time into each produced observable, on the specified scheduler.
file  rx-with_latest_from.hpp [code]
 For each item from the first observable select the latest value from all the observables to emit from the new observable that is returned.
file  rx-zip.hpp [code]
 Bring by one item from all given observables and select a value to emit from the new observable that is returned.